How to Add Warmth to Minimal Decor

How to add warmth to minimal decorMy master bedroom, including natural colors and a warm wood shade.

Throughout my quest to find peace with the place we live and things we’re surrounded by, I’ve spent a lot of time evaluating the decor in our home and the items that we really need. I’ve come to find that while I love completely minimal decor, I love it more when there is a certain warmth to it. Here’s a few ways to add more warmth to what seems like an empty space.

Envision your space.
It always helps me to first try to envision how I want the space to feel. I am not drawn to bright colors or patterns, so a space that is neutral, natural, and peaceful is generally what I aim for. I may pull a photo or two into design software to see how changes I want to make may look as well. If you’re a little lost, it helps to browse online and save rooms that you like (Pinterest is great for this). What about those rooms makes them feel warm to you. Is it the colors, textures, or simply an item that reminds you of a special moment? Once you identify this, you’re ready to move on.

Make a checklist.
Now that you have those special feelings narrowed down to something tangible, make a checklist of what you need to do to apply those to your own home. I love very natural decor, so adding warm wood and woven elements to my room was important to me.

Choose your palette.
Once you’ve decided how you’re going to add warmth, make an actionable plan to add that feeling to your room. Choose paint colors that aren’t too overwhelming for the space and other textures that might add the feeling you’re looking for. I love to add texture and objects with muted color to keep that natural feel that I love so much.

Add your decor.
Now that you’ve got the big items under control, add your decor. This can be items that are personal to you, or items that really resonate with what you feel brings warmth. I love to incorporate plants, favorite books, and items from our travels into the decor of our home. Sometimes I come across a soft blanket with a nice texture that just feels warm and fuzzy to me. Naturally it needs to come home (I might be a blanket hoarder), which leads me to…

Know when to stop.
Now that you’ve added your items to bring warmth to the space, be sure to take a step back and evaluate how the space feels. Edit if you need to. Remember that even though you want the space to feel warm, less is still more.

How to add warmth to minimal decorMy entryway, including plants and favorite magazines.

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How do you like to add warmth to your space?

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Responses to “How to Add Warmth to Minimal Decor”

  1. Such beautiful spaces! A plant and a kitty can always turn a house to a home 🙂

  2. Love that circular mirror!

    Abigail Alice x

  3. I’ve really been trying to work on getting rid of things and going back to a minimalistic look. The thing that stops me every time is it always seems so empty. I love these tips to help add warmth. I think that will really help me!

  4. Jacqui Odell

    I think the key is to know when to stop. I am always afraid to have to much.

  5. The idea of creating a checklist and envisioning your space before you shop is so smart. Without a plan it can be hard to make your space what you want it to be or how you want it to feel.

  6. This is the perfect post for me because I truly am a minimalist when it comes to decor. I am super picky and don’t like to change things often. PLUS my husband is suuuuuper opinionated on things so he doesn’t help when I finally do decide on something and then he say’s something negative about it!

  7. Elizabeth O.

    I love the ideas! Minimal is something that I like along with modern and contemporary design. It’s clean but very stylish! I love it.

  8. RonLeyba

    Amazing tips and ideas. Thanks for sharing them up. Can truly add more WARMTH to a minimal decor. Perfect for small bedrooms too!

  9. This is my style for home decor. I like simple with pops of color.

  10. Your master bedroom looks so cozy! Love the decoration, so warm!

  11. Wow… Such an amazing tips of home decoration. I am just loving the round mirror. I t is looking extremely amazing . you have Given some of the best tips . 🙂

  12. My goal this past month has been to clean up and get rid of the clutter. Love your warm comfy homes look

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