Week 30, Daddy Time


While I was away at BlogHer, the boys stayed home with Steve. He made these little videos to share with me, and I want to share them with you too because they are the sweetest moments for my kids. Søren is falling asleep, something sweet for any mom of a toddler. He’s so active during the day and gets so cuddly when he is tired so it’s a moment I miss the most when I’m away.

Aiden spending his hard-earned Minecraft minutes. He’s been asking to do chores around the house for chore points to convert to screen time or money later. I’m so proud that he’s having thoughts about earning things and managing his resources responsibly.
What are your sweetest moments of the day?
A portrait of my child once a week, every week in 2014. To see the whole series, click here.

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Responses to “Week 30, Daddy Time”

  1. The first video is the sweetest thing I have seen today! 🙂 It makes me want to cuddle him so much! 🙂


  2. Awww, He did so well, both videos are so sweet! So much love!

  3. Oh my gosh, what an absolute sweet heart. Sorens face is just adorable!

    1. sleeping time is my favorite. 😀

  4. That was just too cute for words.

    1. He’s pretty adorable but I’m probably a bit biased.. 🙂

  5. SOOOOO Much cuteness!!

    1. Thanks. 🙂

  6. Ugh. I still melt when I see that video of Soren. And I LOVE Aiden playing Minecraft

    1. Ikr, swoon. 😀

  7. My little brother, who is 11 years younger than me, is absolutely obsessed with Minecraft. It’s one of the only things we have to talk about when we long-distance call each other!


    1. Aiden never stops talking about it, lol. I should make the pic of the palm trees pixelated !

  8. this is soooo adorable! not only are these videos awesome quality (not surprising given your consistently awesome photography), but how sweet of your husband to capture these moments for you while you were away!

    1. Thanks. 🙂

  9. Aw, so sweet! How nice of your husband to capture those moments for you!

    1. I agree. 🙂

  10. Converting chore points to screen time is GENIUS. Saving this tip for when I’m a mom for sure!

    1. The best thing is, I can convert them to anything and the rate is subject to change at any time, huzzah!

  11. It is so sweet that he watched the boys and that he made you those videos. You are very lucky!

    1. Yes, I am. 🙂

    1. Thanks. I think so too but I’m a little biased.

  12. My favorite part of the day is coming home to my dog! The smile on his face is so uplifting!

    1. Aww, I bet he is so excited to see you !

  13. LOVE the videos!

    1. Thanks, I’ll pass word on. 🙂

  14. Awww! So precious! Thanks for sharing.

  15. How sweet is he for making these videos for you while you were away?! That is precious! Such great memories! <3

  16. those videos are so sweet esp the sleeping one! 🙂 i don’t have kids yet.. but whenever we’re away i have whoever is taking care of our cats, send me photos of how they’re doing. haha

  17. I love love those moments! Such a sweet video to be able to treasure. It’d be a good one to replay when you’re having a hard day.

  18. OMG I want to die from the cuteness

  19. Precious videos! My favorite time is right before bed, cuddling up and reading books – I hope it never stops!

  20. So much cuteness.

  21. SO sweet! My nephews like doing things to be able to play Minecraft 😉

  22. Awwwwww!!!!!! How adorable! Aww I bet the house will be sparkling clean in the name of Minecraft minutes!!!! So cute!

    My kids are always sweet to each other, so when I see them doing something generous for the other and then showing gratitude it makes my heart melt.

  23. So cute. So darling.

  24. This is absolutely precious! And I love the idea of converting chores into computer time. Genius 🙂

  25. Such a sweet and thoughtful thing to do! My husband does this as well and I love when the girls are with their grandparents! They do this same thing!

  26. Miranda

    Pardon me while I squeal from the cuteness, how sweet!

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