Road Trip / South Lake Tahoe, California

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We got on the road late in the morning, the sun just beginning to warm up for the day. Knowing the weather wasn’t favorable in Lake Tahoe, we timed our departure with our hotel check-in time, trying to avoid waiting as much as possible. One of my favorite parts of a road trip is the evolution of scenery, like watching a movie unfold through the windshield. We drove from the Central Valley into the hills, through the mountains, climbing up to above 7,000 feet in elevation. The rain began as we slowly descended into South Lake Tahoe, tracing every curve of eastbound highway 50 along the way. We checked into our hotel and got settled just as the rain started to intensify. An impressive downpour of hail, thunder, and lightening led to the most vibrant sunset I’ve yet to witness. Take that, Alaska!

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Responses to “Road Trip / South Lake Tahoe, California”

  1. Oh man! What I would give to be back on the West Coast right now! Nothing beats a West Coast summer, nothing! You captured everything so well, I felt like I was right there in the passenger seat. The rain on the window shot was my favorite.

  2. Lynette

    I love your photographs, I really want to go on a road trip of the west coast stunning

  3. As usual, your pictures are beautiful!! I can’t believe that sky. So pretty!

  4. What GREAT photos! I LOVE Lake Tahoe!

  5. Looks so beautiful! I love road trips just for that reason… to see all the scenery!!

  6. I live just about 2 hours from Tahoe and my Husband and I love going there, even for day trips! Beautiful pictures!

  7. I have been up to Tahoe in forever, I’m in San Diego area, I need to plan a trip there sometime. It’s so beautiful.

  8. You’ve captured the journey so well here, the fluffy clouds transition into the rainy and full then that amazing sunset so beautifully!

    Stunning photos as usual.

    Katie <3

  9. You really make me want to visit California again!! The sunset photos are stunning!

  10. I would love to go to LT one of my bucket list places. So cool that you can road trip!

  11. How picturesque! Sounds like a lovely vacation! <3

  12. Seriously, I love this post. I love posts that are told with photos. The West Coast is the Best Coast!!!!

  13. I just love your photography. And it seems like such a lovely place. I’ve never been

  14. Absolutely lovely! Looks like a beautiful trip 😀 Glad you made it to your destination before the big storm hit

  15. Your photography is ON POINT! I have always wanted to take the “windshield photos” but mine always come out rather blurry or just plain wrong! These definitely takes the cake. And you are right, it’s almost like an evolution of scenery happening as you drive along. Great pics!

    Thrifting Diva

  16. Absolutely gorgeous pictures – you take the most amazing trips!

  17. LOVE road trips! and the sky is beautiful!

    if you have time please check out my blog <3

  18. oooh check out that sunset!! i really do need to make it out to tahoe one of these days. we were supposed to go snowboarding.. but we put it off for so long.

    1. It’s ok, the snow has sucked anyway lately. No rain = no snow. 🙁 Kirkwood is our favorite place to go.

  19. Your photos are beautiful! I haven’t been to Tahoe yet. My husband used to vacation there yearly as a child and we keep talking about gong but haven’t made it. Hopefully next year!

  20. Amazing pictures! I also love roadtrips and seeing how the scenery goes evolving. And I love descending from the mountains, it is a special feeling.

  21. Gorgeous! Most people think of going to Tahoe in the winter, but I think it’s even more beautiful in the summertime. Aren’t those forests incredible? Now you’ve inspired me to try and make it up there this fall!


  22. Love the photographs! The view looks ALL too familiar. I’m sad we just missed each other. That would have been so much fun!

  23. I kept checking to make sure you actually were in Lake Tahoe because this looks just like Oregon (the west part). I love beautiful tall trees, they are my favorite. It looks like such a fun trip you were on!

  24. Such stunning scenery for your trip!

  25. It’s been years since we’ve been to Lake Tahoe! So beautiful!

  26. Your posts always make me want to travel! Looks like a great trip.

  27. The scenery is amazing! You took such beautiful pictures, as usual!

  28. Oh my gosh it looks gorgeous up there! You captured it perfectly. I cannot wait to go someday

  29. Tahoe has been on our list for what seems like forever. I can’t wait. It’s gorgeous!

  30. The pictures are gorgeous! Makes me want to redo my road trip up North to San Francisco

  31. I love your photos, in all the time I stayed in the west coast I never visited Lake Tahoe and I’m not sure why, looks like a great drive 🙂

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