Home Made Cheese Triangle Crackers

Awhile back I stumbled across this recipe and vowed to attempt the crackers at least once. Aiden was very interested in me making them, so today while he was at school I gave it a shot.

To make them like me you’ll need a food processor (I have a Cuisinart Mini-Prep), 1c flour, 4tbsp unsalted butter, 8oz block cheese (Any type, I used mild cheddar since I planned on giving some to Aiden), a half teaspoon of salt, and a half teaspoon of pepper.

Combine all ingredients until they are ground/mixed fairly well. Since my food processor is small I split mine into two batches. So each ingredient was halved and then into the food processor. Then add 1 tbsp of water at a time (I used 3 tbsp for each batch) until ingredients form a ball and “ride the edge of the blade”.

Put them in some plastic wrap and refrigerate anywhere from 20 minutes to 24 hours. I left mine for about 5 hours and had to let them sit for around 10 minutes prior to rolling out dough. Roll out dough to 1/8″ thickness. I suck at this. I also used a wooden rolling pin and freezer paper and the dough did not stick to anything. Then I used a pizza cuter to cut out squares and cut diagonal lines in them to form triangles.

Separate them and move to a cookie sheet. I didn’t use parchment paper or non-stick spray because my pan is beat up and non-stick anyway and I’m lazy. Bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes. I think mine baked more like 10-15 minutes. It depends on when they look done. They should be light brown on top. I’m keeping mine in an airtight jar (This one from Ikea!) and the recipe really did make more than you see here. The rest have suffered a horrible death via Aiden and Steve reaching into the cracker jar.

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Responses to “Home Made Cheese Triangle Crackers”

  1. Love how these look as little triangles and it’s much easier than messing with cookie cutters. Glad you gave the recipe a try!

    1. Jessica

      @Stef I loved the triangles too. The mini – strawberry cookie cutter I tried to use did not produce very strawberry looking crackers. Thanks for posting it!

      @Stephanie Thanks! I think they were a bit crunchy to the outside and puffy more towards the middle. I didn’t roll the dough as thin as it should be partly because I’m lazy and partly because I’m super sore from attacking my studio floor with an angle grinder.

  2. These look great! Very cheesy and I love how they puffed up a little. Were they very crunchy or was the middle kind of soft?

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