Le Diner, San Francisco

Le Diner in San Francisco, California

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Last weekend I attendedย Le Dinerย as a guest of Acura (event sponsor). Le Diner is a pop-up dinner that they don’t disclose the location to until hours before the event. This year the event was held at the Golden Gate Park Music Concourse in San Francisco, California.ย Attendees are required to wear all white to keep the focus on discussion and time with new and old friends alike. Since my husband didn’t want to go, I took Nancy as my guest, and met up with Reichel and her husband there. Each table is responsible for decorations, food, and cleanup for their area. It was so inspiring to walkย around and seeing what everyone came up with. I snapped some photos (with permission) of a few of my favorite tables to share with you. Live music featured Big Bad VooDoo Daddy, a nice flashback to my youth, ha!

I’ve already posted a couple of sneak peeks on instagram, so I’m excited to share the rest of theย photos today. I hope you enjoy!

Le Diner in San Francisco, California Le Diner in San Francisco, California Le Diner in San Francisco, California Le Diner in San Francisco, California Le Diner in San Francisco, California Le Diner En Blanc in San Francisco, California Le Diner in San Francisco, California Le Diner En Blanc in San Francisco, California Le Diner En Blanc in San Francisco, California Le Diner in San Francisco, California Le Diner En Blanc in San Francisco, California Le Diner En Blanc in San Francisco, California Le Diner in San Francisco, California Le Diner En Blanc in San Francisco, California Le Diner En Blanc in San Francisco, California Le Diner in San Francisco, California Le Diner En Blanc in San Francisco, California Le Diner En Blanc in San Francisco, California Le Diner in San Francisco, California Le Diner in San Francisco, California Le Diner En Blanc in San Francisco, California Le Diner in San Francisco, California

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Responses to “Le Diner, San Francisco”

  1. Hi Jessica! I remember when I first heard about this I was insistent that I went the next year, and yet I didn’t hahhaa. Don’t you just love the events in San Francisco? Beautiful photos, as always, lady! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Hiii, Haha, I’d heard of it a few years back but didn’t give it much thought then. I definitely want to go next year, it was so beautiful and fun.

  2. gorgeous photos, Jessica! its awesome seeing Le Diner in all the respective cities!!

    1. Thanks, Annie! I want to just travel and follow it to join in, hahaha.

  3. Thank you so much for inviting me as your +1 buddy ๐Ÿ™‚ I had a wicked time, and I’m so glad we didn’t have to bring our own food, ha ha!

    1. Thanks for coming with me! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. You got a photo of our table! We’re the ones with the big balloons with white/gold tassels! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Haha, that’s so funny! I’m amazed I didn’t see you there.

  5. This event looks just amazing. I love that each table is responsible for decorating too- that bridge replica is stunning and you and Nancy look beautiful!

  6. […] one of my favs, Jordan Ferney of Oh Happy Day. to be surrounded by. The day after, I was invited to Le Diner in San Francisco, and it was absolutely stunning! I am still in awe of how beautiful the event […]

  7. […] I was invited to attend my first Le Diner en Blanc inspired White Party at an undisclosed location in San Francisco until the day-of the event with my friend as her +1. Luckily for us it turned out to be quite a warm San Francisco evening as we drove to Golden Gate Park for a special two-table VIP treatment and dinner put off by Acura and Handmade events. The rest of the crowed bought their tickets, set up their tables and chairs (provided), and decorated their seating areas with intricate details (see more photos on Jessica’s blog post). […]

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