Smith Cove

Smith Cove on Grand Cayman Island

As hurricane Joaquin wrecked havoc on the eastern part of the Caribbean, part of the storm made it’s way over Grand Cayman. I was scheduled to go on a submarine tour (would have ben SO cool) but it was canceled due to the rougher seas and approaching storm. Instead I made a stop at Smith Cove, which is a small beach on the western part of Grand Cayman. The sand there is beautifully white and the water is a dreamy shade of turquoise.

Upon arrival I was greeted by Betsy the tourist, a larger-than-life statue of an iguana named Betsy dressed as a tourist. She is there to remind the visitors that although the iguana’s on Grand Cayman are plenty, they are still a precious addition to the island’s eco-system. I took a walk over to the north end of the beach and found lots of little shells attached to the rocks. I think they were snails, as they were too small to be crabs. I’ve heard the snorkeling here is pretty good, but I’m not a fan. The beach only had a couple of people on it this day, but I’ve heard it can be a hot spot for visitors.

Betsy the Tourist White sand beaches in Grand Cayman White sand beaches in Grand Cayman Beautiful beach in Grand Cayman Beautiful beach in Grand Cayman Beautiful beach in Grand Cayman Beautiful beach in Grand Cayman

This trip was sponsored by Camana Bay, but the words, photos, and opinions are my own. Thank you so much for helping support the sponsors that make life here at Team Wiking a little sweeter.

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Responses to “Smith Cove”

  1. […] a brief (and warm) stop in Smith Cove, we headed out to Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park. It is one of the only places on the island where […]

  2. […] a brief (and warm) stop in Smith Cove, we headed out to Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park. It is one of the only places on the island where […]

  3. […] Smith Cove Beach Small and easy to get to beach near town. You can give a nod to Betsey the tourist, but she won’t reply. […]

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