Trimming The Tree

I don’t really like or have the patience for shopping on Black Friday and I don’t believe in only having one day a year to shop ’til you drop. One of our family traditions the weekend after Thanksgiving is to decorate our Christmas tree. I love the whimsical feeling you have when you walk by a decorated tree. I’ve gathered up a few of my favorite items to trim your tree with this year.


1.  Glitter Ball / 2. Geometry Ornaments / 3. Star Topper /  4. Ice Crystals / 5. Star Garland / 6. Christmas Tree Blanket / 7. Felt Rounds / 8. Sequin Bow

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Responses to “Trimming The Tree”

  1. Elizabeth

    Those glitter ornaments are so cute!

  2. I like that round rug

  3. Pretty! I don’t know when we are going to start decorating. I hope soon though.

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