San Francisco Bay Area Summer Bucketlist

San Francisco Bay Area Summer Bucketlist

San Francisco Bay Area Summer Bucketlist

San Francisco Bay Area Summer Bucketlist

In between a few of our trips this Summer, I’m looking forward to exploring where I live more. I’ve created this post as a sort of San Francisco Bay Area Summer Bucketlist for us to come back to as a reference for what we’d like to accomplish. Our trip to Sea Ranch was a good start, but I’d also love to explore…

Point Reyes
Awhile back after our drive back from Mendocino, we drove out to the point but didn’t make it in time for the last shuttle to the lighthouse. I’ve been dying to go back and hope to make it out this Summer. It takes a few hours to drive there from our house so we might need to make it into a multiple-day trip with a stay in Tomales Bay.

Kirby Cove
This is a tiny cove just on the other side of the Golden Gate Bridge. It’s got a swing and cave that both are really fun at low tide. A hike down here has been on my very near future mind for the last month or so. You have to park at the top of the mountain and hike a mile down to the cove, but the view of the bridge and San Francisco is unbeatable.

Ride a Bike Across the Golden Gate
I’ve never done this before, but my husband did a few years back and loved it. He rode across with some friends and took a ferry back to SF from the other side.

San Francisco Tiled Steps
Throughout San Francisco there are a few tiled and hidden stairways that are pretty cool. There’s a good list in this article on SF Gate.

Rooftop Gardens
There are plenty of public rooftop gardens in San Francisco too that I’d love to explore. Thrillist does a good job of listing them out in this post.

Visit the New Exploratorium
We visited the old one quite some time ago, but haven’t had a chance to check out the new one yet. It’s in a more busy tourist area, so we will hopefully pick a quiet day to go.

See New Beaches
We’ve seen our fair share of beaches in our area, and I’d like to find some we haven’t been to to explore as well.

East Bay
My friend moved to Oakland area recently, and I have to admit we haven’t spent much time there. I’d love to spend some time there from nature areas to the adorable downtowns of Piedmont and Montclair.

California Redwoods
I’ve lived in the Bay Area for 9 years and still have not visited Muir Woods. I’ve been busy exploring other redwoods, and would love to explore more up the peninsula area.

Filoli Gardens
Flowers are my jam, and this place looks like it would be beautiful. I don’t know how the flowers there are in the Summer, but I’m hoping almost as beautiful as Spring!

Do you have any spots in the San Francisco Bay Area that you’d like to explore? Any recommendations for me?

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Responses to “San Francisco Bay Area Summer Bucketlist”

  1. ive never been to san fran but have always wanted to go! thanks for the inspo!

    xoxo, Preeti

  2. About 10 yrs. ago my family vacationed in San Franciso. After spending some time at Muir Woods, which by the way is very beautiful we headed north on Rt. 1 and stayed a few nights at Stinson Beach. Looking down on Stinson Beach from Rt 1 is breathtaking! Very nice wide beach from what I remember. We then took a day and drove up to Point Reyes lighthouse. We drove all the way out to the lighthouse, which seemed like it took forever. The area out there was so beautiful. We saw plenty of sea lion’s and there is a beach but we didn’t have time to stop at it. I really hope you make it out there and post about it. I’d love to see it again!!!

  3. I’ll be there in 2 weeks and will be heading to the red woods. SO excited! Thanks for helping with my to do list.
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  4. Filoli hosts a 1920’s cocktail party in the summer. I think it is on Friday evening and quite glamorous! I’ve been aching to go but I don’t think I can make it after work.

    1. Ahh, this is so cool! I’m so sad we fly out the day before. ????

  5. I’ve been meaning to visit rooftops in SF too… and I never seem to make it to the city during weekday working hours. I need to do that!

  6. This is such an amazing post with STUNNING photos!
    We have a family trip coming up to Sausalito, CA in September (around Labor Day) and will definitely be using this as a guide!! <3

    Amanda |

  7. Redwoods is a must! And hey, the photos are AMAZING. Absolutely stunning. The colors, the crispness combined with the dreaminess. I love it!

  8. […] version of California year-round and it’s not. For what it’s worth, here is my current SF Bay Area Bucket List and my San Francisco City […]

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