In My Bag

After I had my first son I carried a diaper bag for a couple of years and quit carrying a purse for myself. When I gave up the diaper bag I never really started to use a purse again until just over a year ago when I started by carrying a huge DwellStudio Madison diaper bag. I just thought that since I was pregnant I’d use it once there was a baby was in our lives again. There are often times where I don’t take our diaper bag with me, or just leave it in the car so I have started to carry a small clutch for myself. I like that it has a strap just in case I need to use it. I also find that it fits perfectly into the foot of our stroller and I can fit enough knick-knacks into it to keep Søren distracted if need be. He loves what I’ve done with my “rewards” cards. I simply punched holes in the corners and clipped them together with a small carabiner.


clutch / keychain / wallet / lip balm / sunglasses / hair ties / usb ring

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