Twin Lakes State Beach, Dog Friendly in Santa Cruz

Twin Lakes State Beach, a dog friendly beach in Santa Cruz, California

The weather lately has been fluctuating between pleasant and good ol’ summer hot. This weekend decided to be one of those hot ones. Luckily at the beach it was just pleasant. We packed up the doggies and very little beach gear to spend a few hours at one of our favorite dog-friendly beaches, Twin Lakes State Beach, in Santa Cruz, California.

This was the first time we took Lily to the beach. She loves to dig in our backyard so we figured she would be right at home in a giant sandbox. Some of this sand was swallowed and also made a reappearance on the way home.

Twin Lakes State Beach, a dog friendly beach in Santa Cruz, California
Twin Lakes State Beach, a dog friendly beach in Santa Cruz, California
Dog friendly beach in Santa Cruz, California
Dog friendly beach in Santa Cruz, California
Dog friendly beach in Santa Cruz, California
Dog friendly beach in Santa Cruz, California
Dog friendly beach in Santa Cruz, California
Dog friendly beach in Santa Cruz, California
Dog friendly beach in Santa Cruz, California
Dog friendly beach in Santa Cruz, California
Dog friendly beach in Santa Cruz, California
Dog friendly beach in Santa Cruz, California

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Response to “Twin Lakes State Beach, Dog Friendly in Santa Cruz”

  1. omg Jes! Lily is so cute and sporadic. The video made me laugh. Also? The video of Aiden is so well put together with the music and the editing, I loved it!

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