A is for Apple

1Q8A4243 1Q8A4239-2 1Q8A4286 1Q8A4255

One of the things I wanted to do this fall was go pick our own apples. I did some research and was very happy to come across organic apple picking at Swanton Pacific Ranch in Davenport California. It’s just off highway 1 and is a quiet little orchard. We got to explore all on our own up until we getting ready to leave. Aiden was a little hesitant at first, but Søren thought he had it all figured out when he went straight for the apples on the ground. By the end of our picking experience both boys had apple picking down to a science.1Q8A4288 1Q8A4251-2 1Q8A4254 1Q8A43031Q8A4309-2 1Q8A4263-21Q8A4244 1Q8A4285 1Q8A4313 1Q8A4358 1Q8A4352 1Q8A4338-2 1Q8A4364 1Q8A4361 1Q8A4391 1Q8A4398-2 1Q8A4418

Swanton Pacific Ranch
125 Swanton Road
(Apple picking at 480 Swanton Road)
Davenport, CA 95017

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Responses to “A is for Apple”

  1. Oh wow, definitely one of the best memories the kids are going to have!!

  2. lovely! I’ve always wanted to go apple picking 🙂

  3. Beautiful Pictures! I love that new lens.

  4. Incredible photos, Jessica!

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