Backyard Camping at Camp Cambrian

For the past few months we have been talking about going camping. I only owned a small tent and one sleeping bag. So I found a great five person tent on Amazon and we picked up some other camping supplies at Target. We tried to figure out a weekend that would be good to go. Memorial Day weekend didn’t seem very practical as everyone else would be doing the same thing and most places nearby were already booked up.

So where did we decide to go? We went backyard camping! The evening started out with setting up the tent, ordering pizza and watching Shrek 3. Aiden was thrilled to have a huge tent in the backyard. He was even more excited to start a campfire in the small bbq. We roasted smores and then proceeded to go to bed after.

All in all it was a very easy and comfortable camping trip. Sure we weren’t surround by pine trees and dirt and we had all the comforts of our home. That didn’t stop us from having a lot of fun anyway. Here are some photos from our backyard adventure at Camp Cambrian.

Making S'mores while backyard campingHappy Family Happy Family Camping in our backyardCamping in our backyardCamping in our backyard

Camping in our backyard  Camping in our backyard

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Responses to “Backyard Camping at Camp Cambrian”

  1. Who cares where you go. Aiden has the undivided attention of 2 adults and a bag of marshmallows what kid could ask for more?

  2. Looks like you had fun! Glad to see the camping tradition lives on . . . bet you’re glad you stayed close to home since the weather changed so dramatically! Kati’s right . . 1 kid + undivided attention of 2 adults = FUN! Memories like these are lasting!

  3. Hahah… Creative!
    Looked like you had a blast @ camp cambrian!

  4. Aunti Anni

    Jess & Steve- Gramma sent me your blog. I’m so glad, now I can keep updated on your Family and what ya’ll are up too. From the looks of things your havin a blast there in S.J. Aiden looks happy as ever. You guys are wonderful parents!!! Luv

  5. What a beautiful family 🙂

  6. I haven’t seen this first post before, thanks for sharing! Aiden was so tiny!

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