Blog Party / San Francisco, California

team-wiking-blog-party-1 team-wiking-blog-party-2 team-wiking-blog-party-3 team-wiking-blog-party-4 team-wiking-blog-party-5 team-wiking-blog-party-6 team-wiking-blog-party-7 team-wiking-blog-party-8 team-wiking-blog-party-9 team-wiking-blog-party-10
Carla, me, Jessica, and team-wiking-blog-party-12 team-wiking-blog-party-13 team-wiking-blog-party-14Nancy and team-wiking-blog-party-16 team-wiking-blog-party-17

Earlier this month I had the pleasure of attending Blog Party, a small get-together arranged by Jamie for San Francisco Bay Area local bloggers to meet up. It was hosted by Social Print Studio, in their ultra-hip San Francisco office and all of the delicious food was created by Andrea Pimentel of Bakin’ Bit. I snapped a few photos but focused most of my time meeting other bloggers in the area. All other photos are taken by Simone Anne of We Are Afterwards Nancy and I headed over to Treasure Island to snap a couple night shots of the San Francisco skyline. It was a wonderful night and I’m definitely looking forward to the next one!

I got to meet all of these wonderful ladies: Anita of Dessert First Girl, Kate of Undeniable Style, Kaitlin of Love and Kait, Jessica of Dinner at Holmes, Jessica of Fab in Lombardia, Jeanna of Clean Eats Girl, Lila of Lingering Day Dreams, Katie of Lovely Letters, Jessica of Thread and Bones, Jacqueline of Birds of a Thread, Einat of Design Break Online, Bobbie of Even if Nobody Reads This, Ana of Fluxi On Tour, Tanya Troshyna, Suzanna of Zoso Lights, Michelle of Young Hip and Psychic, Christine of Christine Kaurdashian, Carla of Alyssa and Carla, Sarah of Snixy Kitchen, Kelly of Dear Ponytail, Kelly of A Side of Sweet, Chelsea of Ginger Side of Life, Diana of Diana Willard Blog, Nancy of Spiffy Kerms, Jamie of J for Jamie, Latrina of Of Trees and Hues, Ellen of Cannibis Now Magazine, and Nina of Wear Flowers in Your Hair.

Some sponsor love: BuluchuLilikoi Design + Letterpress, 45 Wall Design, Sucre Shop, Sweets Simply, P, Pennie Post, Fiona’s Sweet Shoppe, Xumma Semi-Sweet Cola, Darling Magazine, Ebba, J for Jamie, Tattly.

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Responses to “Blog Party / San Francisco, California”

  1. This looks and sounds adorable and so fun!

    1. Was super fun. I like that it’s smaller and intimate.

  2. it looks so much fun! i’m bummed i couldn’t make it happen. i tried rolling up the party with a weekend trip up there. oh well. next time!

    1. Yes, next time for sure !

  3. We didn’t got to chat this time that much, but maybe we can catch up over some coffee sometimes soon. 🙂

    1. Yes! I’ll e-mail you. Actually headed to the city this week. 🙂

  4. Looks so fun, I’ve never attended one before. They’re usually nowhere near my area (people think Orange County is LA) or it’s super expensive to go.

    1. Maybe one time you can come up to SF. I promise there is less traffic and smog here. 😛

  5. Looks like a good time! All of the decor and food looks great too.

    1. It was! And the salsas were delicious. I’m a huge sucker for any south of the border type foods. I think it comes with living in California.

  6. This looks so amazing!! I wish I lived in the area!

    1. Start a local group! 🙂

  7. How fun! I wish we had meetups in vegas. 🙂 I feel like all the bloggers live in cali!

    1. Just come to Cali again. 😀

  8. This looks like it was so fun. You seriously have amazing photos. Great post!!

    1. Thanks! Keep in mind some of the photos were taken by Simone Anne of too !

  9. I would LOVE to go to something like this. I’ve been keeping my eye open for something in my area but haven’t met many other bloggers from Florida.

    1. If you build it, they will come. 😀

  10. this looks like the perfect space and ambience for a blogger meet-up! i’d love to do one of these in my area…just have to find the right spot!

  11. Looks really fun, it’s always great to see the people behind these awesome blogs x

  12. ooh, looks like fun. i’m so out of the loop when it comes to blogger events up here. 😛 great running into you at blogher!

    1. You too! I’ll have to e-mail you when I hear about another so you can join in. 😛

  13. What a lovely event to be invited too. You all look like you are having good fun Lucy

  14. Love the second to last photo with the dark windows, looks mystical.

    1. It was my favorite of the whole night. Everything was winding down and we all just stood around talking. Each pane of the windows had the slightest difference in color and it was beautiful.

  15. Looks like a fun event! I missed hearing about this one. Time to sign up for their mailing list again 😉

  16. What a beautiful gathering! Makes me wish I wasn’t on the East Coast.

  17. Hi Jessica! This looks like a total blast. We just moved to SF, like Thursday, sight unseen and I’d love to get involved with the blogger events around town….hoping it’ll make the city seem more intimate 😉 Hopefully I’ll get to run into you at an event or two and if you wouldn’t keeping me in mind if you know of any coming up? Bisous! Annie

  18. Huzzah! Lovely to hang out with you, as always! 🙂

  19. Looks like you all had so much fun! <3
    Great photos! 🙂

  20. Looks like fun!

  21. Lovely, chic, and totally befitting this stylish group of bloggers. Wish I could have been there!

  22. Looks like it was a ton of fun! Gorgeous photos as always 🙂

  23. It looks like this was a wonderful blog party! Gotta love meeting so many different bloggers!

    1. It was indeed!

  24. This looks like an amazing little get together 🙂

    1. It was pretty fun. 🙂

  25. Wow, what an incredible event!

    1. It was pretty cool!

  26. This looks like so much fun! We have some great blogger get-togethers up here in Portland, too.

    1. Ooh, I’ve been dreaming of a trip to Portland. Maybe I can join in one if we make it up there!

  27. Oh, I just absolutely love blog get togethers! I will have to come up to San Francisco to go to one with all of your someday!

  28. Looks like it was a ton of fun!

  29. Oh fun! I just went to a local blog meetup here too and I loved it. 🙂 I love your pictures; they’re great!

  30. I am so jealous! It looks like you had an amazing time!

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