Bumble / Los Altos, California

*** Today is the last day to enter my Michael Kors giveaway! 1Q8A2223 1Q8A2177-1 This week Søren and I went on a little lunch date to check out a place that I’ve been dying to visit for awhile. It’s called Bumble and it’s located in beautiful Los Altos, California. It’s such an adorable little place and the food is awesome! They are very kid friendly and even have a playroom where you can check your kids in for a little while so you can eat or you know, just breathe. 1Q8A2184-2 1Q8A2183 1Q8A2209-1 1Q8A2197 1Q8A2195-1 1Q8A2200 1Q8A2204 1Q8A2221 Bumble  145 1st Street Los Altos, CA 94022 www.bumblelosaltos.com

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Responses to “Bumble / Los Altos, California”

  1. a playroom for the kiddos?! how great is that? we need a place like that around my parts, although los altos isn’t THAT far away 🙂 hope you two had a great time!

    mama daze blog

    1. It’s worth a drive! 🙂

  2. what a nice idea! there should be places like that everywhere! looks so cool

  3. Woohoo! Love me some Bumble. That was fun =)

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