Home + Crabby

I still have a few more photos from our trip to Denmark to share, but I wanted to mix in a bit of us being home as well. Our trip home went smoothly and we’re finally settled back in to every day life and planning our next trips. After we came home from Denmark, I took the kids to my grandparents to visit for awhile and collect our furry friends. It was rather warm so the kids spent some time outside being crabby and cute.

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Responses to “Home + Crabby”

  1. That pool is so cute! Where did you get it from? Do you still have your other metal pool??

    1. Thanks! The pool we just picked up at Target as we weren’t really planning on playing outside during our trip. I’ve also spotted it on Amazon. It will stay at Grandma’s house for us to enjoy later as well. We still have the “cow tank” at home, it hasn’t really been warm enough to use it much lately.

  2. looks like fun!

    1. I think the boys liked it !

  3. Søren looks a lot like your husband. Totally adorabs

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