Culture in Santa Barbara, Part I

San Francisco Aerial Photo Ocean Beach Santa Barbara Canary Hotel Santa Barbara Canary Hotel Santa Barbara The Wine Collective Santa Barbara The Wine Collective Santa Barbara The Wine Collective The Lark in Santa Barbara The Lark in Santa Barbara Santa Barbara Canary Hotel Santa Barbara Canary Hotel Santa Barbara Canary Hotel Lotusland in Santa Barbara, California Isabella's Gourmet Foods Santa Barbara Courthouse Santa Barbara Courthouse Santa Barbara Courthouse Santa Barbara Courthouse

Recently I was invited on a trip to come learn more about the Culture in Santa Barbara, California. Although I was a little hesitant to travel without the rest of my family, I’m so glad that I went. I learned so much about Santa Barbara‘s rich Arts and Culture scene, it went beyond the typical California beach town experience.

Unlike last trip there, the weather was sunny & beautiful. The flight to Santa Barbara was short and to my delight, we circled San Francisco on our departure, a view I don’t often see. Upon arrival, I checked in to my hotel, then headed over to the Wine Collective for some appetizers, then next door to the Lark for dinner. After a tiring day of travel, I called it a night. The next morning started with a greeting on the rooftop of the Canary Hotel, followed by a delicious breakfast at Finch & Fork. Next up was a visit to Ganna Walksa Lotusland, followed by lunch from Isabella Gourmet Foods on the lawn of the historic Santa Barbara Courthouse. The top of the tower was closed, so I was a little disappointed, but it was still very beautiful from the outside. I have so many more details and photos from my trip that I can’t wait to share with you, your suggestions for my trip were so helpful and played a large part in some of my planning.

This trip was sponsored by Visit Santa Barbara and the wonderful local establishment(s) listed above. To learn more about Santa Barbara and their cultural offerings (beyond the beach), please visit their website. All opinions, text, and images are my own. Thank you for supporting the sponsors that make life here at Team Wiking a little sweeter.

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Responses to “Culture in Santa Barbara, Part I”

  1. Linda Doll

    The hotel accommodations looked beautiful, the food scrumptious and the weather perfect!!!

    1. It was a great trip. 🙂

  2. These pictures are so beautiful! I’m actually planning on taking a long-weekend trip to SB in the next few months, so I will definitely check out Visit Santa Barbara!

    1. Ooh, have fun! I’m putting together a guide that will go up soon that will probably help you out too. 🙂

  3. Thank you so much for your kind words and gorgeous photos Jessica! It was such a pleasure to host you.

    1. No, thank you Amy! Your shop and food were so adorable and delicious. Perfect for our picnic.

  4. Hello, I really like your interactive travel map widget and would like to know where you got it/what it’s called? Thanks!

    1. Hi Jessica (nice name). It’s called Map My Posts and it’s a plugin for WordPress.

  5. I love santa barbara!! My mom grew up in San Luis Obispo, which meant that growing up, we would visit her family that still lives there. I am heading to SLO in a few months and am so excited to be going back!!!

    1. Ooh, fun! Have fun on your trip. 🙂

  6. Looks so amazing 🙂 Love your pics (like always!).

    1. Thanks. 🙂

  7. This looks absolutely stunning!

  8. […] in California, except in Winter (we do have that here!) The sunnies have been my favorites since my trip to Santa Barbara last […]

  9. Santa Barbara in your pictures is amazing. I’m planning my trip there too and will definitely use your recommendations. Thank you for sharing your experience!

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