Eat at burger. / Santa Cruz, California


Last year sometime we stumbled across a place in Santa Cruz, California that is simply called, “burger.” The name is quite appropriate as they do serve delicious burgers, but the vibe is very hip as well. The food all has the names of iconic characters or celebrities and is very interesting. We decided to go back last weekend and it was quite delicious!

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Our food is wholesome and delicious. Though it can be challenging, we are committed to offering our guests an exceptionally flavorful, nutritionally superior product. As well as providing California grass fed beef, whenever possible, Burger Santa Cruz purchases produce and other products locally. In order to reduce waste and as an effort to keep more plastic out of the landfills, Burger Santa Cruz is packaging your food in 100% post consumer recycled boxes with 100% compostable cups, glasses and silverware.” – burger.

1520 Mission Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Open seven days a week

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Response to “Eat at burger. / Santa Cruz, California”

  1. looks delish! I love burgers

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