Green Chile Kitchen

Haight Ashbury in San Francisco, California Haight Ashbury in San Francisco, California Green Chile Kitchen in San Francisco, California Green Chile Kitchen in San Francisco, California Green Chile Kitchen in San Francisco, California Green Chile Kitchen in San Francisco, California Green Chile Kitchen in San Francisco, California Haight Ashbury in San Francisco, California Haight Ashbury in San Francisco, California

A little earlier in the Fall when it was still warm, Søren and I packed up and went to San Francisco for a little play date at Golden Gate Park children’s playground. It was a good little adventure with just he and I and I wanted to share it before we get into winter. After the play date we went with our friends to a place called Green Chile Kitchen. While they do serve lots of delicious food, the real praises we’d heard prior were about the home made ice cream and pie. So naturally, we ordered just that. Søren snuck my lime, drank half of my watermelon aguas frescas, and inhaled the ice cream. I was happy to share with him since it was a very rare post lunch dessert.

Green Chile Kitchen
1801 McAllister Street
San Francisco, California 94115

Do you ever eat dessert after lunch? Did your parents ever let you have something sweet mid-day or were they strict about food? If you have little ones, do you allow them to have sweets?

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Responses to “Green Chile Kitchen”

  1. I usually keep dessert to the evenings, but when I was younger I had a major sweet tooth — so it was dessert after every meal. 🙂

    1. I’ve made such an effort lately to kick the habit for my health, I think it’s just that ‘time’.

  2. I grew up in Albuquerque, NM so naturally I had to try this place back when it opened! While the food isn’t as good as you would find in New Mexico, it’s the next best thing in the Bay Area (and the only New Mexican restaurant I’ve seen). I never tried the dessert there though, looks like I’ll have to go back for round two!


    1. I was very intrigued by the New Mexican food aspect of it, I want to go back to try a main course instead of dessert.

  3. in our family it´s not so usual, but when we get to grandparents or older people, they usually offer us dessert and especially my grandmum is worried and upset if we don´t want any dessert after lunch or dinner…but it´s not a problem to give children a dessert in our family, just it´s normal…beautiful photos anyway 🙂

  4. I am from New Mexico, but lived in San Jose for a few years for grad school. My husband and I discovered Green Chile Kitchen on a search for New Mexican food that we were missing so badly from home! I have to say it’s the closest that we found to “authentic” NM food… you definitely have to try more than dessert! They also have sopaipillas, which I couldn’t find anywhere else in the Bay Area and they were pretty good! You can’t beat New Mexican food, so I was so excited when I came across this blog post!

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