The Color of Fall

Little Explorer / Colors of Fall Little Explorer / Colors of Fall Little Explorer / Colors of Fall Little Explorer / Colors of Fall Little Explorer / Colors of Fall Little Explorer / Colors of Fall Little Explorer / Colors of Fall Little Explorer / Colors of Fall Little Explorer / Colors of Fall Little Explorer / Colors of Fall Little Explorer / Colors of Fall

Some of the best adventures are the ones close to home. For this installment of Little Explorer, Søren and I took a walk around the neighborhood collecting different color leaves. As soon as we stepped outside it started to rain. He’s quite chatty lately, “Mama this a orange leaf!”. “Look mama, this one pretty”. He uses the word mama like punctuation and I don’t mind. I melt every time he says it. His voice is so tiny and soft. We talked about the colors of each leaf before it went into his basket. We counted. We walked. He chatters about everything with such a sense of excitement and wonder. Everything is new to him, so I stay quiet and let his mind explore.

Did you collect leaves in the Fall as a kid? What did you do with them?

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Responses to “The Color of Fall”

  1. Again, another sweet post. When I was young we used to rake all of the leaves up in the yard into giant piles and jump into them. It was so much fun. Are you guys going to create some kind of craft with the leaves?

    rae of love from berlin

  2. he’s so stylish in his boots and chile hat! 😀 i love the changing of the leaves in the fall

  3. Linda Doll

    What a fun age and what a delightful post!! I L.O.V.E his stocking cap!!

    1. This is my favorite age. You should love his cap!! He got it from his favorite Gma Doll. 😉

  4. Such a sweet tale. Oh how I wish any one of mine had a soft voice;) we did collect leaves and they loved it, then we glued them to paper and made shapes and people out of them- my wild ones loved it.

  5. Love the photos. Kids are so cool when they are discovering things.

  6. He is way too cute!!! 🙂

  7. Angelic Sinova

    Love this series and what a sweet post! I adore his little beanie hat, so cute <3

  8. Another great post, such lovely fall photos.

  9. Love those jeans and boots on Little Man, Mama has good taste:) Great photos too!

  10. Your son is adorable! That is such a fun age–I’m so excited for the day when I can have conversations with my daughter. 🙂 Sometimes the best adventures are the ones right outside your door!

  11. Now this is making me fall in love with Fall all over again!

  12. Ohhhh the little buddy with his little hat and leaveeeeeeesuhhh.

  13. MaryJo Tsitouris

    It’s amazing how many leaves you can find the beauty in during fall. When I was a child we would collect them and iron them in between two pieces of wax paper. Very pretty.

  14. oh my goodness he is so stinking cute!! I live in Arizona, when it is this time of year I wish we had leaves that change color and fall.

    1. I know, right?! All partiality aside, I really can’t get over his cuteness right now. It usually takes the leaves here until late November to start to come down nicely.

  15. He reminds me of my son. he is so cute.
    though not in fall , I usually collect leaves and press it in a book and use it for scrapbooks and various other things.

  16. I never really collected this kind of thing as a child, to be honest, my parents weren’t much into spending this kind of time with us. That’s ok though, I would just play with the leaves any way 🙂
    They’d be nice pressed in books I reckon!

  17. I definitely collected leaves as a kid and made things with them. I grew up mainly on the East Coast where there were tons and tons of trees and leaves in all different colors – my fav time of year!

  18. Such cutie pies, and I love this idea. I’m going to have to take my son out to pick up leaves. 🙂

  19. Autumn is by far my most favourite season, I love the colours and the cooler temps…..such gorgeous photos, reminds me of my daughter playing in the autumn leaves when she was younger!

  20. My daughter was collecting leaves outside the hospital where my dad was this week. She loves them all.

  21. oh i love these!! i want to go exploring with you guys! 🙂

  22. awww his so cute, its always the best time when they are exploring and learning new things.

  23. Your kiddie posts make me melt. Literally adorable. I love his little baskets and all the leaves – I really want to collect some leaves before they’re all gone. For house decorations!

    Katie <3

  24. Aw, this is so cute! I love that he gets to do a bit of exploring for the absolute best leaves! 😉

  25. Toddler style posts are the best! He is the cutest!

  26. He is so cute. I love the basket, the leaves, the heart, everything! So perfect for Fall!

  27. First of all, your pictures are absolutely gorgeous. Stunning.

    I still collect leaves… theres just something magical about them <3

  28. Awwwww, he’s so cute! The leaves just started falling here! 🙂

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