Myrtle Edwards Park / Seattle, Washington

Myrtle Edwards Park, Seattle, Washington

Next to Olympic Sculpture Park is a nice open space park named Myrtle Edwards Park. It features 4.8 miles of trails and even a few beaches to check out. Beach is used loosely here, as they’re very small, the water is freezing, and it’s all river rock. Aiden still had a good time attempting to skip rocks and if you are a certain now-two-year-old, attempting to dive in. It was a nice relaxing spot to rest our feet and get some energy out of the kids before dinner and our first night in Seattle.Myrtle Edwards Park, Seattle, Washington Myrtle Edwards Park, Seattle, Washington Myrtle Edwards Park, Seattle, Washington Myrtle Edwards Park, Seattle, Washington Myrtle Edwards Park, Seattle, Washington Myrtle Edwards Park, Seattle, Washington Myrtle Edwards Park, Seattle, Washington Myrtle Edwards Park, Seattle, Washington Myrtle Edwards Park, Seattle, Washington

Myrtle Edwards Park
3130 Alaskan Way
Seattle, WA 98121

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Responses to “Myrtle Edwards Park / Seattle, Washington”

  1. Ah river rock! That’s what the beaches look like back home in Newfoundland. Does California have any of those?

    1. Maybe some. For sure up farther north. If you look at my Mendocino post there is actually a “glass” beach, too! ->

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