Neary Lagoon + Lighthouse Field State Beach

Neary Lagoon Park in Santa Cruz, California Neary Lagoon Park in Santa Cruz, California Neary Lagoon Park in Santa Cruz, California Neary Lagoon Park in Santa Cruz, California Neary Lagoon Park in Santa Cruz, California Neary Lagoon Park in Santa Cruz, California Neary Lagoon Park in Santa Cruz, California Neary Lagoon Park in Santa Cruz, California Neary Lagoon Park in Santa Cruz, California Neary Lagoon Park in Santa Cruz, California Neary Lagoon Park in Santa Cruz, California Neary Lagoon Park in Santa Cruz, California Neary Lagoon Park in Santa Cruz, California Neary Lagoon Park in Santa Cruz, California Surfers in Santa Cruz, California Winter Water Factory

I’ve been meaning to make it to the beach for awhile for a Little Explorer post and the weather just wasn’t cooperative so Søren and I didn’t make it there until a few weeks ago. We stopped by Neary Lagoon Park first, then had our lunch at nearby Lighthouse Field State Beach in Santa Cruz, California.

Søren has calmed down during our dates and slows to ask to hold my hand. He had a full conversation with some of the birds there, “read” all of the informational signs, and he stopped to admire some sticks on the ground. I love to follow him around and observe silently as he discovers the world around him. It sounds so cliche but I learn so much from watching the world through his eyes. He met another little boy there who was only four days older than him and they took to each other immediately. It was really cute to see them converse and play together for a few minutes. We stopped to admire the surfers near the light house and had a quick lunch as  the rain began to close in again.

Neary Lagoon Park
110 California Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060

Lighthouse Field State Beach
Santa Cruz, CA 95060

Søren’s adorable sweater and my High Seas Tote were gifted to us by Winter Water Factory. They are happy to extend a 10% discount for you if you use the code JessicaDoll during checkout.
Lighthouse Field State Beach in Santa Cruz, California

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Responses to “Neary Lagoon + Lighthouse Field State Beach”

  1. It looks so absolutely beautiful out there! Definitely a place I would like to visit. It looks so peaceful

    1. It was very peaceful, especially with the weather not as nice as it could have been. The people we did come across were very friendly. Søren even made a friend!

  2. Looks so peaceful. Love the pictures.

    1. Thanks. It was nice and quiet. 🙂

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