Printable Travel Checklist

When I’m packing, usually last minute, I always find myself scribbling notes onto scrap pieces of paper about what I need to pack. I thought it would be wise to finally put together a packing list that I could use when we go on a trip, and I’m also sharing it with you! You can download it by clicking the image below, or you can simply click herePrintable Travel Checklist/Packing list at Team WikingPlease note that my free printable packing list prints at 5×7″ size and is best printed onto something durable like card stock so that you can check one box when you are packing for your departing flight, and the other when you are going to return.


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Responses to “Printable Travel Checklist”

  1. Send please

  2. Hi! Thanks for your easy to follow templates. By the way, your travel packing checklist is not working. Thanks again

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