Scenic Drive to Palm Springs

Palm Springs Scenic Drive Palm Springs Scenic Drive Palm Springs Scenic Drive Palm Springs Scenic Drive Palm Springs Scenic Drive Palm Springs Scenic Drive Palm Springs Scenic Drive Palm Springs Scenic Drive Palm Springs Scenic Drive Palm Springs Scenic Drive

There are a few things in life I have a love and hate relationship with, and long drives are one of them. I worried about this trip so much, mainly because of Søren’s age. He doesn’t have a great history with long car rides, so I was nervous about the six or more hours it would take us to take the scenic drive to Palm Springs. We left early in the morning and he slept most of the way, even after we stopped for breakfast at the halfway point. Lately we’ve chosen to drive though the desert instead of through Los Angeles when we have to head that way simply to avoid the traffic. It always proves to be a more peaceful drive, and is more beautiful. I can’t wait to share more details with you about our trip. I feel like I’ve been on the go so much lately that I haven’t been able to share much until now. We’re home for awhile until Aiden is out of school for the Summer so I look forward to catching you up!

Do you ever take the scenic route?

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Responses to “Scenic Drive to Palm Springs”

  1. Yes! Long drives can be the WORST! Glad yours wasn’t too bad.

    Southern Elle Style

  2. I think I share with you that love/hate with road trips. One one hand, I love it because I have a terrible fear of flying. But…on the other hand I hate it because it just takes-so-long-to-get-there! We travel to the Cape each summer…about a 12 hour trip.

  3. Glad your trip went okay! We have a long road trip coming up in June and our kiddos have never been in the car for an extensive period of time…fingers crossed that it goes well!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Brooke | KBStyled

  4. Wow love these photos. I am so jealous. I need a road trip ASAP. Hope you had fun.

  5. I would definitely take the scenic route if mine looked like that! Although I do enjoy the look of the back woods by me!
    xo, Kyla – KyMarieC

  6. Looks beyond beautiful for a long drive!

  7. Gorgeous photos! I’ve been through that area, but I have yet to actually spend real time in Palm Springs. I’m hoping to change that soon.

    Road trips are becoming a big part of my life. I’ve learned the only way I can survive is to find a new spot/small town/new vista that is mid-way and stop. That way I get to discover something else new and move a little bit (and wake up my brain) before getting back in the car.

  8. Such gorgeous photos!! <3
    Amanda |

  9. Lovely pictures & Palm Springs was one of my favorite places to visit when I lived in the LA area; so close, yet so deliciously far and it was pool season for most of the year. Loved it! xx

  10. Lovely drive and blog!

  11. […] when he was stationed here, and we got a little peek when we drove through on the way to and from Palm Springs, but I really wanted to see more of the desert. The Joshua Trees have always intrigued me, and I […]

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