Sweet Slumber

your tiny hands, your tiny feet
full face with flushed pink cheeks
heavy eyelids and soft eyelashes
deep in sleep your body crashes
an imagination filled with wonder
pave the way for sweet slumber

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Responses to “Sweet Slumber”

  1. so beautiful! love sleeping babys

  2. Oh, what sweet precious pictures!!!!!

  3. Thank you @Briseidy & Kelly!

  4. Hello! I came across your blog from SOML’s (Jenni’s) sidebar and I just have to say how much I love your pictures. They’re so simple and elegant and has a very strange calming effect on me (I know, it’s a very weird compliment). Your children are so adorable and you are such a beautiful mother. I can only hope one day when I have children I would look as good as you do, haha.

    Very glad to have found your blog,

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