20 Gifts For The Tiny Traveler

20 Gifts For The Tiny Traveler01. Double Suspension Bridge / 02. London Play Set / 03. Alphabet Poster / 04. Taxi Cab / 05. Planes Go Book / 06. Magnetic Colored Blocks / 07. Danish Wood Blocks / 08. Brownstone / 09. Yellow Airplane / 10. Mini Tuk Tuk / 11. Etch-A-Sketch / 12. Balsa Wood Glider / 13. Double Decker Bus / 14. Zig Zag City Guide / 15. I Can Fly Book / 16. Lately Lily Book / 17. Magnetibook Moduloform / 18. Cars Weekend Bag / 19. Cars Scarf / 20. Wooden Airport

I shared 20 Gifts For The Stylish Traveler last week, now it’s time to cover the little ones. Do you travel often? Does your child dream of their next trip, or reminisce about a past one? Do you have a niece or nephew who would love something sweet and travel related? I know one of my favorite things to do when I shop for my littles is to purchase items that connect them to an experience, whether it be memories from the past at home or abroad.

01. Double Suspension Bridge / Reminds me of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California.
02. London Play Set / I love the bridge in this set. Would go well with trains.
03. Alphabet Poster / Each letter is a different location. Perfect for older child.
04. Taxi Cab / This reminds me so much of my visit to NYC in 2002.
05. Planes Go Book / Lots of fun for a toddler, I know Søren would love it.
06. Magnetic Colored Blocks / These blocks are great because they stick together.
07. Danish Wood Blocks / Includes both English and Danish alphabet, and animals.
08. Brownstone / A classic Brooklyn Brownstone, these have so much character.
09. Yellow Airplane / Perfect for little imaginations to dream up flights.
10. Mini Tuk Tuk / I’ve never ridden in one, but it’s on my bucket list.
11. Etch-A-Sketch / Perfect for car, hotel, or airport play. Doesn’t need to charge or make noise.
12. Balsa Wood Glider / Teach kids the dynamics of flight with this cute plane.
13. Double Decker Bus / Not just for London. We toured around Victoria, British Colombia in one!
14. Zig Zag City Guide / Perfect boxed set to teach about your location or destination.
15. I Can Fly Book / Cute little book, would be perfect paired with a plane toy.
16. Lately Lily Book / Inspiring women to travel and adventure.
17. Magnetibook Moduloform / I love that this helps prevent pieces from dropping in transit.
18. Cars Weekend Bag / This is the cutest bag I’ve come across. I love the cars, it’s perfect.
19. Cars Scarf / So innovative with the added bonus is that you have a toy wherever you are.
20. Wooden Airport / My boys would go crazy for this. The ramps and planes look so fun.

Do you have anything that reminds you of a certain adventure?

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Responses to “20 Gifts For The Tiny Traveler”

  1. great ideas! we love Janod toys, they are so cool!

    1. Thanks! We love those too, I don’t want to spoil anything but a certain toddler is getting some from a certain person on a certain holiday. 😉

  2. Love the wooden airport- so cute! I’ve found quite a bit I love this year- but we’re most excited about the usborne sticker books we got for the wilds- I think they will love them!


    1. I know, right? I’ll have to look those sticker books up!

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