Reader Survey + Giveaway


If you follow along regularly, you probably noticed that recently I made some changes to Team Wiking. The header and layout were the biggest changes, but I also switched up the sidebar, and added a floating navigation, as well as a back to top button to try to make your experience at Team Wiking a little better. The changes I made were in hopes of making it easier to navigate and read content. Any feedback you have I would appreciate in the comments below, or in the 2014 Reader Survey (ended).

$100 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Posted in


Responses to “Reader Survey + Giveaway”

  1. Marta K

    Is this open to international followers?
    Thank you!

    1. Yes, the gift certificate is digital. 🙂

      1. Marta K

        Thank you!

  2. I think it’s so nice you take some time to get feedback from your readeres 😉 I love the new layout!

    1. Thank you! I hope you did the survey, I know you’ve been a long time reader and would love to know more. 🙂

      1. sure I did! 😉

  3. Love your blog, as always, Jess. Can’t wait to come down for a visit next year!


    1. Thanks so much V! I’m so glad we connected in 2011. 🙂

  4. Maureen

    What a great way to read a blog. IT is clear and not smushed together. There is room to read and enjoy what is being posted.

    1. Thanks so much! That’s what I was going for. 🙂

  5. I really love the new layout! It is very clean and pretty.

    1. Thank you so much! 🙂

  6. Looks great! Love how simple and clean it looks.

  7. I filled out the survey, but didn’t get a PW? Anyway, awesome giveaway! 🙂

  8. katie skeoch

    Love how it’s easier to read and not too picture heavy, which can be a bother loading sometimes!

  9. Didn’t get a password after submitting. Not sure what your blog looked like before, but love the layout!

  10. Loving the new layout, girlfriend! I also love that you do a reader survey! I’ve been meaning to do one on my own blog for ages but never have, maybe now is the time. 🙂

    1. It is time! I kept telling myself to do one too and finally bit the bullet and did it. 🙂

  11. Angelic Sinova

    LOVE the new layout! I discovered your blog a few months ago and I’m obsessed <3

    1. Thanks so much. 🙂

  12. Istvánné V.

    It’s my first visit and I’m glad I discovered your website, I love the layout!:)

  13. What an amazing giveaway prize! 🙂

  14. Oh I need this!!! Crossing my fingers that I win!

  15. Gabriela Keeton

    Sorry, but I didn’t read your blog before the new layout. However, I do love the clean look of your current layout.

  16. As always love your look!

  17. I love the layout. Clean layouts are the best!

  18. I love the design of your blog! And thanks for hosting such a fabulous giveaway! It’s my first time to visit your blog! 🙂


  19. Arena Thompson

    I think its gorgeous. clean and accessible are the best 😀

  20. Arena Thompson

    I think its gorgeous. clean and modern is best!

  21. Can’t find the link to survey. Also noticed the old look is noble friendly. This one gets cutoff in the left hand side

    1. It says in really big letters, TEAM WIKING READER SURVEY above the giveaway, the link is also in the giveaway. And it’s also at: 🙂

      Yes, I know. This one is def. not as responsive. The dimensions are off for some reason, I’ve been working on it. 🙂

  22. Jennifer

    I like that it’s simple, but modern and sophisticated.

  23. I love the layout!!!!!

  24. Hey Jessica, I love the floating side bar – very clean and easier (for lazy ppl) to find on where to adventure next. Ie; Tahoe for us.

  25. I took the survey- happy to give feedback! And I love your clean design.

  26. Melanie

    Took the survey. You have a gorgeous blog and I love the font choice. There’s a great balance between the different type of posts (photo, text, etc). The sidebar is also really great, lots of info but not all stuffed in haphazardly.

  27. I love your new layout! The font is really pretty.

  28. I love your new layout! The font is really pretty!

  29. I love that your layout is very simple – classic. And I do love the addition of the floating bar – especially that it’s not too big! I just hate when people have a bar that takes almost half their page!

    1. Thanks, that’s great to hear. I really wanted it to help ease navigation, especially since I know some of my posts become very “long” with all of the images.

  30. I like the floating nav bar! It’s nice to be able to get around without having to scroll all the way back to the top.

  31. Cynthia G

    New look is awesome and so clean and refreshing 🙂

  32. Love the layout, good job!

  33. Great job! Love the look!

  34. Your blog looks great! I love the clean lines and pretty pictures!

  35. I love the layout! Very clean. 🙂

  36. I think your website is beautiful very simplistic and easy to navigate. I love floating header bars!

    Katie <3

  37. ¡Hola! I love the layout, it’s clean and relaxing, good vibes!

  38. Karin Shaim

    I really like the new layout , it’s nice and organized! I love the way the pages look 🙂

  39. I love the new layout as well and think the survey is a great idea

  40. Franziska

    Nice changes to the blog and thanks for making a giveaway out of it!

  41. Verena S.

    The new layout looks neat. I like it a lot.

  42. Love love love the new layout! Your blog is so fresh and simple! Perfect for displaying those gorgeous photos!

  43. Love the new layout and header! Fabulous giveaway 😀

  44. The layout is really simple yet functional! Like it a lot. Thanks for the giveaway(:

  45. I LOVE your blog design! Its so simple and clean, but inviting!!

  46. i knew something was different a couple days ago when i visited this blog, love your adventures and your cute boys. cool giveaway you gat going

  47. I like the new layout.

  48. Bridget Heiple Reich

    I love the new layout!! 🙂

  49. I love that you are so concerned about what your readers think! That makes you a great blogger. 🙂

  50. Would be awesome to win 100 dollars! My husband needs new work boots 🙂

  51. I hardly recognized you here 😉 Looking good!

    1. I’m sort of LOLing because it took me a minute to get this, haha!

  52. LOVE the new layout. Fresh, clean and simply very easy to navigate.

    Thrifting Diva


    The new format Is clean and easy to follow! Thanks for the opportunity!

  54. I like it here! have ever since I came across your site! the floating bar is awesome and the side bar is there but not there which is great!

  55. I like the layout. I’m not sure if I have been in your blog before, so I can’t compare to what it used to be. But this is light and modern, very beautiful.

  56. Kim Pincombe Cole

    I like the new layout! Very clean & user friendly!!

  57. The layout looks GREAT!

  58. love the new layout!!! love that is a simple layout and easy access to everything

  59. Love the simplicity of your blog!

  60. This is a great giveaway and survey! I absolutely adore the new layout – it is something I’ve been wanting to work on for my blog!

  61. Yes, I do! I like that it is clean and simple. No fuss!

  62. I love it! It’s so clean and user-friendly! Thanks for the giveaway!

  63. The blog design is I love the new logo!

  64. I’ve been thinking about doing one of these for a little while now. You mah bae.

    1. I think my fav part is the navvy on the very top.

  65. love the layout – its so clean!

  66. steven weber

    Loving the new layout.. very clean!

  67. This is my very first time to your website so I cannot compare what your blog looked like before and now…. but I LOVE your design! I love your blog too and I will definitely be following you going forward!

  68. Simoriah

    The new layout looks fabulous. Very sleek and simple, easy to navigate.

  69. I really like how clean and simple the new blog layout is – not that it wasn’t great before too 🙂
    It’s easy to navigate and there’s nothing jumping out distracting from the post which is great. So many blogs have too much going on.
    Oh, and I wish I had that upcoming travel schedule! Iceland and Sweden – can’t wait to travel along with you online 🙂

    1. Thanks Sally! We will see what actually pans out, hopefully all of it. 🙂

  70. Amanda Sakovitz

    I think its clean and pretty!

  71. Christine Dang

    I’m a big fan of clean and minimalist themes, so of course I love the new layout! (:
    I really enjoy how user-friendly is it and how everything is easy to find!

  72. I never thought of a survey to engage readers but i think it’s a great idea!! I hope you get the results you are looking for 🙂

  73. I don’t know what the old layout looked like, but the layout you have now looks clean and easy to read and look around.

  74. Thomas Murphy

    I think the new layout looks awesome!

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