Week 28, A Formal Affair

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I have to apologize that my 52 weeks series had to go a little out of order because of our last trip. These photos are from one the last nights on our cruise. The water was a little rough on the way back down, but that didn’t stop us from enjoying my favorite part of a cruise, formal night. How could I resist seeing three of the most handsome men I know in formal attire?

A portrait of my child once a week, every week in 2014. To see the whole series, click here.

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Responses to “Week 28, A Formal Affair”

  1. You have a gorgeous family! I love the photos you took.

  2. I love cruises. Your family is adorable!

  3. Is Steve’s jacket velvet!?! I freaking love that.

  4. I loved eating in the diningroom and dressing up as a kid on the cruise we took. The food was great and I liked feeling fancy : )

  5. Beautiful pictures of your beautiful family!

  6. Beautiful, Jessica. I love their hair! Gorgeous family!

  7. Your family looks like they had the best time!

  8. You got some great shots of your family, your boys are darling:)

  9. Awe, everyone dressed up all fancy! So cute!! 🙂

  10. aww so cute!!! These photos are making me a bit hungry now haha! Glad you had a fun time on formal night.

  11. Beautiful family! The photos are beautiful too, especially that food shot – left me drooling!

  12. What a gorgeous family! Seriously. We’re going on a cruise next year and I can’t wait to dress my girls up like this. Hopefully they have formal night, too. 😉

  13. What a beautiful family! Great pics 🙂

  14. Beautiful family! Those bow ties!!!

  15. What lovely pictures! I’m glad you enjoyed formal night!

  16. Beautiful pictures x

  17. Gorgeous photos! Looks like you guys had a great time 🙂 And your kiddos look adorable all dressed up!

  18. You have a beautiful family 🙂 these are amazing photos!

  19. what great family photos.

  20. don’t you guys look dapper! those photos of the water are beautiful….and you all look so lovely!

  21. You have a beautiful family!

  22. Your family is adorable 🙂 Love these photos!

  23. Wow! Now I really want to go on a cruise!

  24. Such handsome gentlemen you have there!


  25. The bow ties on your boys are so sweet!

  26. Your family is so sweet, your boys look so cute with the bow ties 🙂

  27. what a beautiful family. loved that everyone dressed up together!

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