Week 40, After School

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Some time has passed since school started and we’ve finally settled into a good weekday routine. Søren falls asleep in his stroller on the way to or from school and Aiden does his homework while Søren naps. By the time he completes his work, Søren wakes up and they play together while I cook dinner.

This year has been pretty smooth so far, Aiden even does his homework without a fight. I’m so very thankful for the progress we’ve made with his Autism in just one short year. This year has been such a huge relief for us as a family.

A portrait of my child once a week, every week in 2014. To see the whole series, click here.

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Responses to “Week 40, After School”

  1. These photos are incredible! I wish I could shoot like this.

  2. You are a seriously talented photographer. I love seeing high-quality shots of the everyday and the mundane. This is the stuff you will treasure!

  3. Gorgeous pictures–the light is especially beautiful! That awesome that you’ve found a little routine for your family. Sometimes a simple routine can make the entire day better!

  4. One thing I don’t look forward to with having kids: homework.

  5. I would LOVE to have you come and take pictures like these, beautiful, sweet, of my day-to-day. I’m sure those are the things I am going really want to remember in the future. Pretty sure I don’t live anywhere exotic or interesting enough for you to visit though 🙂 Wonderful post!

  6. Such lovely pictures and a great depiction of the after school exhaustion! 😀

  7. Perfect life style shots. I love.
    Melanie @ meandmr.com

  8. Gorgeous photos!

  9. Yes it feels like school just started and it’s already Halloween. I don’t remember school flying by like this when I was in school.

  10. Aw, love the sleepy time shots. He’s so precious!

  11. I can’t wait until we have another little one. I think there is something sweeter than words about siblings playing together! 🙂 Beautiful photos!

  12. Such lovely photos. Soren looks so peaceful while he sleeps.

  13. Beautiful photos. I love that you see the beauty in the everyday and simple things.

    Katie <3

  14. these pictures are beautiful! What camera do you use?

  15. I love that window! Beautiful photos as always. So nice that you’ve found a routine that works for you, we are still working on falling in to one. ♥

  16. Love the light in the pictures. And the way you set the mood with the different lighting! Beautiful pictures!

  17. Gorgeous shots – I wish I had a routine down! We’re still fumbling.

  18. Such precious photos! I’m glad to hear you’re in a routine!

  19. I love your space! and your pictures are beautiful! I only wish I could take pictures half that good.

  20. Yay for a good routine that works for everyone!

    1. That’s a sensible answer to a cheialnglng question

  21. what a smooth routine you’ve got going! That’s great that they have those schedules!

  22. Congratulations on the break through! I can’t imagine how difficult it was and happy that you have been blessed with a little smoother time.

    Thrifting Diva

  23. Having a schedule is so very important! Congrats on the progress you guys are making and I love these photos that you’re recording 🙂

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