Los Altos City Guide


It’s no secret that we love where we live. The San Francisco Bay Area is so diverse and beautiful, how could we not? Since we will be home for awhile, I’ve decided to share some of our favorite places in nearby cities.



A farm-to-fork restaurant with delicious, healthy, local food and play room babysitting.
145 1st Street Los Altos, CA 94022 (www)

Forest on First (closed for good)
A great place for quick food and good juice. Features a treehouse for kids to play in.
129 First Street, Los Altos, CA 94022

Rick’s Cafe
Family-friendly, offers indoor and outdoor seating.
205 State St, Los Altos, CA 94022 (www)



Rancho San Antonio Open Space Preserve
22.4 miles of hiking trails suited for people of all abilities.
22500 Cristo Rey Drive, Los Altos, CA 94024 (www)

Redwood Grove Nature Preserve
Small redwood grove, wooden walkways, easy access.
482 University Ave, Los Altos, CA 94023 (www)

Hidden Villa Ranch
Organic farm and wilderness to learn and explore.
26870 Moody Rd, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022 (www)



A much smaller version of the Exploratorium in San Francisco. A quick stop will suffice.
316 State Street, Los Altos, CA 94022 (www)

Los Altos History Museum
Features cool exhibits and local history.
51 South San Antonio Road, Los Altos, CA 94022 (www)

Area 151 DTLA
Small arcade, great place to kill time if you’re waiting for a table nearby.
151 First Street, Los Altos, CA 94022 (www)


I hope you enjoyed our list of favorite places for Los Altos, California. While we’ve been to most of these and can wholly endorse them, a few are simply on our wish list with rave reviews from others.

Do you visit places locally in your town?

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Responses to “Los Altos City Guide”

  1. have you been to bumble? i just went a couple weekends ago and although the atmosphere and location are darling, i was not all that impressed by the food. it was rather mediocre and i did try two entrees, appetizer and dessert. i wish i would have loved it based on the how cute the restaurant is but alas. i will say it looks like a great place for parents to come and have their kids play in the sand box!

    1. Yes, I’ve been more than a few times. I probably wouldn’t not choose an appetizer there though. My favorite is the BTLA sandwich. 🙂

  2. I’ve only been to Newport Beach, but my sister lives in LA. I’ll be saving this in case we ever make it out that way. I’m also going to share this with her, I think she would love some of those places!

    1. She probably would! I’m about 5/6 hours north of LA area.

  3. Ugh I want to be there!!! I miss Northern California!


  4. The hiking trails sound fantastic. I would love to live in your area, it seems like there’s so many great places and blue clear skies! 🙂

  5. That first picture is stunning! Okay, all the pictures are stunning! Makes me really want to go to Los Altos!

  6. That looks spectacular! Your pictures are always great! <3

  7. I’ve only been to two of these locations on your list – all thanks to you 🙂 Since I got here, I feel like I”m exploring so much more than I normally would if I still lived in Canada. If that makes any sense. Everything here is awesome. I love California, and I love living in the Bay Area.

  8. Jealous that you get to live there! I’d love to move to southern cali!

    1. Too much traffic for me. 😛 I love, love, love living in Northern California. 🙂

  9. Angelic Sinova

    My friend has eaten at Bumble and says it’s AMAZING! One day I hope I can visit <3

  10. Awesome photos! I love visiting local places in my area, being in NJ there are always such cute areas to go

  11. If I lived there I’d love it too! Looks amazing!

  12. I’m surprised you didn’t mention Linden Tree, the children’s bookstore downtown! I actually worked there for a couple of years in high school – it was my first big job and was followed by several other bookstore jobs after it, haha. It’s SUCH a cute store.


    1. I thought about it! It’s on my personal list but I didn’t think it’s more of a destination someone might come to Los Altos specifically for.

  13. I love the composition of these shots. I hope one day I can visit Bumble!

  14. Forest on First sounds great! I love the idea of getting some quick food and juice! And how awesome is it that they have a treehouse too! Sounds pretty awesome!

  15. wow these beautiful photos bring back a lot of memories! we lived in san mateo, and i would always go out of the way and take 280 whenever i can – all the places along that highway is gorgeous!

    1. I LOVE 280, especially in the early morning when the marine layer is still over. I avoid 101 like the plague. :/

  16. We took the kids to Forest on First about a month ago (after a Tinkerlab book party at Helix) and they couldn’t get enough of that indoor treehouse. Such a fun cafe! I’d like to try Bumble one day too but we’re not down that way very often so it might be a while. In fact, before we moved here three years ago I discovered Bumble on Pinterest and put it on my list of places to take the kids. It looks so cute 🙂

  17. Those look like some awesome places! I wish I lived closer

  18. Aww that door to Bumble is so cute! I love creative and cute places like that!

  19. Love Los Altos, although not in the summer! Such great places to eat, particularly Muracci’s Japanese curry!

    1. We’ll have to check that one out. 🙂

  20. What great places to visit! I’ve only been to California twice and that was to San Francisco. It’s gorgeous there and I would love to go back. N

  21. Ugh, this is insanely cool.

    Currently bookmarking these links away in the case I ever travel to these cities… 🙂

  22. Lovely! Los Altos is one of those places that I’d love to live (also, Burlingame, Yountville, Sausalito), but have a feeling that I’d never make enough money to be able to afford a home in. I agree, it’s a great place for hikes. And have you been to Satura Cakes? They’re delicious little jewels, and it’s been a fav of mine for years. 🙂


  23. Just as an FYI- Forest on First has closed since your post.

    1. Thanks for the reminder! I’ve been meaning to update the post.

  24. […] find myself exploring the small town of Los Altos lately, and the weather has felt more like early Spring instead of Spring approaching Summer. […]

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