5 Favorite Memories of 2008

My five favorite memories of 2008 are pretty simple. I wanted to give a little high five to some of my favorite times of the past year, so here they are:

5. Mother’s day. It was great having my mom and grandma here. And Steve sent me flowers for the first time, ever. 🙂

4. Seeing my brothers at any point in time during the year.

3. Being closer to my mom. It seems like we didn’t get super close until I moved away.

2. Aiden’s Pre-School graduation. I was and am still so proud of him.

1. The day Steve proposed and the whole engagement experience will be forever engraved in my heart.

There are so many more experiences throughout the year that I’m so thankful for. Going to the cabin in Monte Rio, moving into an actual house instead of some horrid apartment, planning and executing Aiden’s birthday party, and having people over to entertain and cook for. Despite the economy being horrible, I’d still say that we had an amazing year, and we absolutely look forward to 2009 and all that it brings with it.

I’d like to say that I’m not making resolutions because if I make up my mind to do something, I usually do it right away. A couple things that I’d like to do though are finish some of my website projects and finish losing the excess weight I’m not fond of. I’m sure that Steve has goals as well but I’ll let him tell you about them.

Happy New Year!

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