Merry Christmas from The (future) Doll Family

Merry Christmas from the Doll Family (us)! We hope that everyone has a happy holiday season and is able to enjoy any time off work they are lucky enough to get.

This year we’re lucky enough to hang out with both of our families, and I’m so happy with the holiday season. We usually have Christmas Eve dinner at my aunts, and then do Christmas Day with Steve’s family. I always make a dessert for Christmas Eve dinner, so I’m looking forward to making delicious oreo cookie truffles. The season has been full of cheer and I can’t wait to see that carry on into the new year.

In the new year I’ll be plenty busy planning our wedding! I’m so excited (duh) and can’t wait to share some of our plans. Our venue is the Highlands Inn in Carmel, California.

Merry Christmas from the future Doll Family!

What are your plans for the holidays? How do you normally celebrate?

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Responses to “Merry Christmas from The (future) Doll Family”

  1. LOVE the picture, when does Aiden get his own dog???

  2. Ashley C.

    God Aiden looks like you in this pic! which reminds me…I need to come visit you so you can take the enga pic.

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