Week 29, Heavy Summer

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Summer is heavy this week. The weather has been warmer and more humid than usual and we have been on the go since before Alaska. The kids stay up well past bedtime, snuggled on the couch after baths and showers and we don’t set an alarm before bed. The house starts to fill with cool air from the bay breeze. I’m having a hard time grasping a familiar sense of home right now. We’re going on another trip soon and shortly after Aiden will start 5th grade. It seems like yesterday we were on a mad-dash road trip before he started first. Before I know it we will be back into the usual routine, waiting for our next adventure to come along.

What do you enjoy most about Summer?

A portrait of my child once a week, every week in 2014. To see the whole series, click here.

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Responses to “Week 29, Heavy Summer”

  1. I don’t enjoy much about summer in AZ, but when I lived in Utah I loved the crispy nights outside. The weather is just perfect there all summer long!

    1. I looveee cool nights outside. It’s my favorite. I just am not a fan of hot days.

  2. I enjoy the easy going days the most

    1. Yes, so nice to not have to deal with school hustle/bustle for us.

  3. Love the pics! You can sense the heat and the humidness in the air! It’s the rainy season here right now. So it’s cooler than normal and raining all the time. I’m really looking forward to some heat 🙂

  4. My favorite thing about summer is traveling with my family! 🙂 Summer is fabulous.

  5. My favourite part about (THIS) summer especially, is meeting new friends, exploring my new home town, and hanging out with you and your family – serious! 🙂

  6. it’s been humid here too, this week. like, i-don’t-want-to-be-in-anything-but-running-clothes-and-no-makeup-because-i-end-up-feeling-sticky-thanks-to-the-humidity humid. it’s not too fun.

  7. Love the way you capture light in these photos – just enough to see the faces. Beautiful!

  8. Your children are so adorable! This is our last summer before everything changes, Bobby starts kindergarten, I go back to work, and Cordelia starts at the dayhome – we are trying to make the most of it, it goes by too quick.

  9. i love the weather (next to no rain!) and being able to spend more time outside.

  10. I love the idea of your pictures series. Also I saw that you were going to Blog Her. I had to sell my ticket since my friends wedding is this weekend. I hope I can live vicariously through your pictures!

  11. I love all the beach days and just enjoying the great outdoors!

  12. ugh, humidity just gets me! i have grown up where it’s hot and dry so whenever i’m in humidity i just die! (figuratively of course!)

  13. These pictures are amazing!!

  14. Those photos are so sweet, it’s pretty humid here too, it always gets to me too 🙂

  15. I love summer, but I’ve been in Garmisch, Germany for the past two months and it’s been raining like crazy here. I work with my mom on a military base and it seems to be sunny when we’re working and rainy when we’re off! 🙁 Haven’t done ANY hiking yet! I don’t know where the heck summer has been… it’s like it skipped right over Bavaria!

    1. I wish it would rain here. We’re in a severe drought so we’ve even been avoiding filling up the pool, despite the heat. :

  16. humidity is the worst! I’ve lived in both dry heat and humid heat this summer and humidity just sucks the life out of you!

    1. Yes, I am just not a fan. No pun intended.

  17. I love that my sister brings my niece and nephew to visit. I’m on the west coast and they are on the east coast and I miss them.

    1. Sounds like a good time. She should move here, everyone knows the west coast is the best coast! :O

  18. Time goes by too quickly!

  19. It has been getting hotter and more humid here, as well. I love being able to cook on the grill, though.

    1. I always use our panini pan (not press) to grill food inside, lol. It’s cooler than turning on the oven and easier than trying to light a bbq. 🙂

  20. I have a love/hate relationship with summer be coz i spend half of it in the office and small half lazying

  21. Love this post! And beautiful photos, as usual. I love the cool nights that follow the warm days. 🙂

  22. We don’t get great summers over here in the UK, but this year it has actually been super hot. I hate the hot nights but am so appreciative of the weather and enjoying warm nights outside!

  23. LOVE this. And those photos are spot on.

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