Toroweap Overlook / Grand Canyon National Park

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This month’s Wanderlust post is from a friend I made at Photo Field Trip, Greg Balkin of Brightwood Photography. You may have seen his work when I shared his photos from a hike in the Cascade Mountain Range. The photos above are from Toroweap Overlook at the Grand Canyon in Arizona. It’s on the northern side, away from the more touristy parts of the park. The Grand Canyon is a place I’ve never been, but always wanted to go. Sometimes I dream of a western United States road trip that includes a stop here.

To see more of Greg’s amazing work, please visit his website Brightwood Photography.

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Responses to “Toroweap Overlook / Grand Canyon National Park”

  1. Incredibly gorgeous! I’ve lived on the west coast for two years and still haven’t made it to the Grand Canyon. These photos make me want to schedule that trip. Hope you have a wonderful day!

  2. Beautiful photographs! Now I am itching to visit Grand Caynon!

    Katrina Sophia

  3. These photographs are stunning! Such amazing work on capturing the depth and detail of the Canyon. I also can’t seem to get enough of amazing sky photos so you had me smitten with every picture. Great post!


  4. I have had the pleasure of visiting this spot and Greg captured it perfectly!

    1. He always does a wonderful job. I wish I could pay him to just follow us around, bahaha! 🙂

  5. How ABSOLUTELY stunning!!!! I have never been to the G.C. but I know it’s utterly majestic!

  6. Angelic Sinova

    Breathtaking! The Grand Canyon has always been on my must visit list but your photos just pushed it up the list by far <3

    1. Thanks, but as mentioned in the post, the photos were taken by my friend Greg of Brightwood Photography. 🙂

  7. How sad is it that I’ve lived in Arizona for 6 years now and still have never been to the Grand Canyon? I really need to plan a trip especially since it isn’t that far!

  8. These are so good, I definitely need to check out his other photos. I went on a month long camping trip in high school and we stayed in all of the larger National Parks out west. My memory of staying at the Grand Canyon is pretty strong because we all decided to sleep out on our tarps under the stars rather than in our tents and I was amazed at how gorgeous that was. Such a beautiful place. The squirrels are also very used to tourists here and will come right up to you and beg for treats! (Tourists are bad, haha.) You definitely need to check it out! Now I want to go back, too! 🙂

  9. Your photos are ALWAYS so beautiful! 🙂

  10. Gorgeous! I haven’t been there for years, would love to go back.

  11. Melodi Steinberg

    those photos are insane!They look like they belong on the cover of national geographic!

  12. Greg’s photos are sick! (Sick as in awesome, not hurling-wise). I’m definitely going to be visiting the Grand Canyon at some point during our stay here in California.

  13. Gorgeous photos! It looks like you guys had fun!

  14. GORGEOUS views! I love the photos!

  15. The Grand Canyon is probably #1 on the list of places I want to go in the U.S. Your pictures capture it beautifully! Now I am really itching to go!

  16. What awesome photos. I love the Grand Canyon, I can’t wait until I can take my daughter.

  17. Your pictures as always are amazing! That jumping one is unbelievable!

  18. I seriously love your blog. Your photography is amazing and your posts give me an insight into landscapes I’ve never seen with my own eyes, amazing!

  19. I’ve never been to the Grand Canyon but these pictures make it hard to not want to go! Love the jumping picture!

    1. I know, right? The jumping pic is my fav too !

  20. I love your pictures 🙂 LOL just kidding, I know you didn’t take these because I actually read your blog. I have never heard of Photo Field Trip but I might look that up for next year!

  21. Gorgeous work – your friend is so talented! I’ve always wished I could take pictures 1/10th of as cool as that!

  22. haha! those jumping pics are amazing!

  23. That jumping shot… all kinds of awesome!

  24. I’ve never been to the Grand Canyon either!! I’m hoping to make a big road trip of it sometime in the near future. His pictures are amazing!!

  25. beautiful views!! ive never been to the grand canyon but it is definitely on my list of things to do..

  26. These photo’s are beautiful, I’ve never heard of photo field trip but I’m gonna look it up. The jumping photo kinda freaks me out mainly because I’m so scared of heights 🙂

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