Week 39, Blocks on Blocks

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They love these blocks. I’ve been a mama of two boys for almost two and-a-half years now and am still mesmerized by their relationship. Sometimes they drive each other crazy, but most of the time they are a perfect pair. Lately they’ve been into stacking blocks together. Søren stops to exclaim, “We are building a tower, mama!” just before he knocks it to the ground. He stacks the blocks up again, and after awhile he stops knocking them down intentionally. Isn’t it funny how at such a young age kids learn the power of building something up?

It starts with blocks, sometimes only two at a time, then evolves into towers that stand over their head. Before you know it the “I love you Mama” that was once whispered softly in your ear becomes the deafening silence of a teenager. I usually get a strange look when I share that my boys are 8 and-a-half years apart, but I feel like the time between them is just enough to make me fully appreciate the stage of life they are in at this moment. So if you need me I’ll be here, ever present in this moment of blocks and towers and love and silence.

A portrait of my child once a week, every week in 2014. To see the whole series, click here.

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Responses to “Week 39, Blocks on Blocks”

  1. Jess, I had tears in my eyes just seeing the two of them playing in the silence.
    By the time I looked at them all, and read the beautiful words that you said, my heart just melted.

  2. What a great collection of photos. Feels timeless.

  3. That tent looks like so much fun!! Love your pictures.

  4. Angelic Sinova

    I love the 52 project! It’s crazy to look back at the weeks and see how fast your children have grown in such a short amount of time! They are going to love looking back at this when they get older <3

  5. Lovely photos. Thanks for sharing with us.

  6. I can’t wait for moments of these from my own kids.

  7. i love these photos of them and seeing them play together. 🙂 8 years is a big gap but it’s so nice that they get along and play together.

  8. It’s so great that they play together so well! I also love that teepee in their room, so cool.

  9. Aww fun! Blocks are so much fun and those are just so cute!

  10. wow, the photo of the precious little one in the bed cover is amazing!!

  11. so sweet!! <3

  12. Love the darkness of these photos – they are stunning.

  13. That’s cute that they play together. My daughter loves blocks and likes to make towers.

  14. This is so sweet. What lovely photos!

  15. Ah the days when the internet and technology was of VERY little importance!!! I miss those days so much!

  16. He’s such a productive little cutie. Love the block towers!

  17. Those blocks look like so much fun! I’m admiring your teepee too. What a fabulous, open play space your boys have. I wish I had that luxury in my house, it’s so small, I call it the doll house!

    1. Thanks! We gave them our “master” bedroom and they have bunk beds so there is more space for them to play.

  18. So fun seeing the two of them play together. Such a dreamy little pair.

  19. Love this! Blocks are the best toy ever! My sister and I are 8 years apart and it was a completely different dynamic than your boys have. It is so great that they are able to play together and have fun 🙂

  20. The teepee looks like so much fun. I would have loved that as a kid!

  21. I love this series! When I have kids, I totally want to do something like this! I also love that teepee! My future kids are totally going to have one of those

  22. Haha! The first thing my nephew wants to do when I build him a tower is “smash it” boys are so silly!

  23. Are those first blocks from Petit Collage? This was a beautiful post, I absolutely loved your pictures and I could totally see how the age gap makes you appreciate each and every stage that much more! 🙂

  24. It is amazing how fascinated a kid can be by blocks! My kiddos love them as well. They provide entertainment for much longer than you think they would.

  25. These photos are so beautiful! It’s so nice seeing them play together!

  26. Love those pretty boys. Aiden seems like he’s so good with Soren. and by the way, totally don’t want to make you sad, but Soren is already so much bigger than when I first met you and started reading your blog. KINDA CRAZY!

  27. A beautiful project idea. I believe you will truly appreciate this in years to come. They grow up so fast. Believe me — my oldest is 21 and it seems like she was just 6.

  28. Wonderful pictures! I love the emotions and moods you have captured! And I agree, the age gap can help us to apreciate each child individually more.

  29. What a cutie! Sweet, sweet photos. 🙂

  30. I love your photos! Such a great way to capture memories! Thanks for sharing.

  31. Those pictures are so cute! Priceless moments.

  32. Love the last sentence “So if you need me I’ll be here, ever present in this moment of blocks and towers and love and silence.” I am 20 years apart form my brother, we are 35 and 15 respectively and I love that we are so far apart in age. I haven’t felt the calling of motherhood but I feel like I know parts of it because of him. Your boys are so lucky to have each other. Oh and on another note, I love that tent! I just want to crawl in and read a book!

  33. My kids drive each other nuts too. They are the best of friends though. I absolutely marvel at their relationship.

  34. You capture your kids oh so well! I have a little boy and girl about 19 months apart and I melt every time I hear them talking and playing with each other. They fight at least once an hour, but, you can see the bond they share.

    Thrifting Diva

  35. So fun! Isn’t amazing how children can be entertained with something as simple as blocks?

  36. This was beautiful! Love sibling relationships!

  37. jessica

    The blocks look like so much fun. I love the colors!

  38. Ah huh I always love how your boys seem to get along!!!!

  39. These pictures are incredible.

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