Elizabeth F. Gamble Garden

Elizabeth Gamble Garden in Palo Alto, California Elizabeth Gamble Garden in Palo Alto, California Elizabeth Gamble Garden in Palo Alto, California Elizabeth Gamble Garden in Palo Alto, California Elizabeth Gamble Garden in Palo Alto, California Elizabeth Gamble Garden in Palo Alto, California Elizabeth Gamble Garden in Palo Alto, California Elizabeth Gamble Garden in Palo Alto, California Elizabeth Gamble Garden in Palo Alto, California Elizabeth Gamble Garden in Palo Alto, California Elizabeth Gamble Garden in Palo Alto, California Elizabeth Gamble Garden in Palo Alto, California

One morning before work I had the pleasure of exploring a little by myself at Elizabeth F. Gamble Garden in Palo Alto, California. This garden is one of the most beautiful and well maintained small gardens I’ve ever seen. It was quiet and peaceful. Being alone and surrounded by so much natural beauty really made a good time for self reflection, and I think I want to take the kids back sometime soon to share in it’s beauty.

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Responses to “Elizabeth F. Gamble Garden”

  1. so pretty! I love botanical gardens 😉 have a great weekend!

  2. Wow, beautiful! Thank you!

  3. these are BEAUTIFUL photos. Adore!

  4. Beautiful photography as always. I could get lost here.

  5. Another place I gotta check off on my list to go see while we’re in the area!!

    1. Yes, let’s go !

  6. Gorgeous pictures! I’ve always wanted an English-style garden like this, but I’m definitely not a good enough gardener to pull it off. That looks like a great place to curl up in a big sweater and read for an entire afternoon. 🙂

    1. I know, right? I can’t even imagine how much work this takes !

  7. What a beautiful place for a peaceful stroll. I love the picture of the single, pink flower.

  8. Gorgeous photos! So peaceful looking!


  9. Wow, what a beautiful garden! I could spend hours here just reflecting and reading.

  10. Those are some really beautiful pics. I would love to visit myself.

  11. Holy cow! What a gorgeous place! I love all of the berry photos!

    1. The berries were my favorite, I’ve never seen anything like them before.

  12. Beautiful! I love the multi-colored berries on the trellis – so unique!

  13. My hubby works in Palo Alto and is a photographer, I am not sure he knows about this place, I will have to let him know!

  14. What an amazing garden! And the pictures are just breathtakingly beautiful!

  15. There is something so refreshing about exploring on your own! 🙂 And as always, beautiful photos! 🙂

  16. What splendor! It’s gorgeous!

  17. What a beautiful place and how wonderful you got to take it in by yourself. Much deserved you time I’m sure!

  18. I was there when I visited my sister in Palo Alto in June of 2013. However, my pictures do not look anywhere as close as good as yours!

    1. Kirstie Marquette

      Fantastic piece ! I learned a lot from the analysis ! Does anyone know if my business might grab a template OH ODT SD 101 Long copy to use ?

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