Redwood Grove Nature Preserve


Little Explorer is a new series I’ve been thinking about for some time. With Aiden back in school I’ve been finding different ways to fill Søren and I’s time together. He’s getting older and a little easier to handle, so I want to take him out on little mommy and son adventures. He’s such a little explorer, always learning and absorbing everything he can, hence the name, “Little Explorer“.

For this adventure, we headed to the Redwood Grove Nature Preserve in Los Altos, California. It’s a place I’ve wanted to visit, and he was so excited about the “bridge” that we got to walk (run) on. I was a proud mama when he didn’t try to run off the side of it, though he did trip over his own feet a few times. My hope is that over time he will learn to slow down and be able to better focus his energy on seeing one thing at a time.

Little Explorer at Redwood Grove Nature Preserve in Los Altos, California Little Explorer at Redwood Grove Nature Preserve in Los Altos, California Little Explorer at Redwood Grove Nature Preserve in Los Altos, California Little Explorer at Redwood Grove Nature Preserve in Los Altos, California Little Explorer at Redwood Grove Nature Preserve in Los Altos, California Little Explorer at Redwood Grove Nature Preserve in Los Altos, California Little Explorer at Redwood Grove Nature Preserve in Los Altos, California Little Explorer at Redwood Grove Nature Preserve in Los Altos, California Little Explorer at Redwood Grove Nature Preserve in Los Altos, California Little Explorer at Redwood Grove Nature Preserve in Los Altos, California Little Explorer at Redwood Grove Nature Preserve in Los Altos, California Little Explorer at Redwood Grove Nature Preserve in Los Altos, California

A big thanks to Nancy for snapping the photo of Søren and I together, and for coming along for the first adventure.

Redwood Grove Nature Preserve
482 University Avenue
Los Altos, CA 94022

Do you do any exploring with your littles? What is your favorite thing to do? When you were little did your parents ever take you to explore?

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Responses to “Redwood Grove Nature Preserve”

  1. This is the absolute sweetest. Although I’m the oldest in my family, I have such wonderful memories of spending long days with my mother running errands, going on walks, whatever, just spending all day with her. I think it’s extra special to take your Little Explorer out into the world and off the grid and just spend time together. This day in the woods looks like a complete blast, and I hope you have many more exciting adventures coming up soon 🙂

    The What’s In Between

  2. There was not a lot of exploring to do where I grew up in Southwest Florida, not to mention it was very hot. My husband and I try to get out around the Bay Area on the weekends, but haven’t been as good about it lately as we were the first year we lived here. This is a great idea for a series and way to hang out with your little one. Love it!

  3. What a beautiful and fun looking place for Soren. I always take my boy to the woods on our island and let him run free, he loves it. The picture of you two holding hands is too sweet.

  4. I love this nature preserve area, and I wanted to show my husband, but we ended up exploring the other end of town over the weekend.

  5. lovely idea for a series! he’s so cute with his little hat!! and I think I have that sweater 😉 twins!

  6. Beautiful photos, as usual! I have always wanted to visit there and see the redwoods! Now I know I should probably go in the fall! 😉
    So pretty!

  7. Beautiful and, as always, I’m SO impressed with your photography. I’m trying to get better but it’s HARD work!

  8. Love your pictures, sounds like a great series you starting up. I need to start exploring the neighbouring woods for Sunday relaxation.

  9. love this! looks like an awesome place! me and Lucas are always exploring! he is obsessed with leaves falling of trees and all the colours, he is collecting them all! hehe little boys are so much fun 😉

  10. I love these pictures! Looks like an amazing fall day.

  11. Awww! Exploring looks like so much fun. We’re surrounded by so much natural beauty, you can go any direction and find great places for your little one to explore. 😀 It looks beautiful – love the backlit sun shining through the trees!


  12. I’m always in amazement of your beautiful pictures. I love them.

  13. What a fun adventure! And absolutely gorgeous pictures! How fun that you also get some good one-on-one time.

  14. Iwant to go see redwoods so bad! One of my close friends’ sisters just got married in California in a redwood forest and it was absolutely beautiful!

  15. I love looking at your photos! And I love that you always take pictures of you son walking in front of you. There is something so symbolic in that for me.

  16. I love trips to parks like this! We have one not far from me that has a series of waterfalls and I love visiting it 🙂

    1. That sounds beautiful! There isn’t a lot of water in our parks right now because of the draught. 🙁

  17. What a beautiful spot! I grew up in western Washington with parents who loved to camp, so there was lots of exploring as a child. My favorite places though always involved water: the beach, a lake, a river, it didn’t matter where it was as long as water was nearby I was at my happiest.

    1. That sounds so wonderful! My boys are total water kids too.

  18. This is such a cute idea. I bet he’ll love and cherish these moments together with you! Trees are so beautiful and calming aren’t they? Especially pines, they bring such an aura of peace!

    Katie <3

  19. Wow! This is so incredibly gorgeous! I love hitting the Dipsea trail north of San Francisco for some hiking in the woods!

  20. I love your hair! It looks so pretty! And gotta love the little mans hat 🙂

  21. Oh my goodness! How stunning is this preserve?! I love trees especially really old trees. Your little one is adorable 🙂


  22. So gorgeous! Absolutely love the shot of your little one with the tiny branch in front of him, so sweet.

  23. Oh this is going to be a lovely series and such a nice thing to do while your older son is at school 🙂

    1. Thank you, I’m really excited about it! He loves to explore.

  24. These photos!!!!!!! The light, the trees, the cute little explorer – these are WONDERFUL!!

  25. These pictures are beautiful! And your sons hat is way too cute!

  26. It’s my mom’s dream to go here! One day we will make it happen. Beautiful pics!

  27. […] took the photos at the Redwood Grove Nature Preserve in Los Altos, one of my favorite places for a quiet walk with nature. I’ve included their outfit details […]

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