Week 42, Light and Dark

Shadow PuppetNight light

The boys are really starting to enjoy the early sundown. For his camping trip to the desert, Steve bought a little portable LED lantern that they’ve been having a blast with. We’re still playing musical rooms, but they seem to enjoy their new space regardless of the messy transition we’re in. Progress feels so slow right now, but most of it is tedious organization and cleaning. I hope to have everything done by Aiden’s 11th birthday in a few short weeks!

A portrait of my child once a week, every week in 2014. To see the whole series, click here.

How do you feel about the earlier sunset?

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Responses to “Week 42, Light and Dark”

  1. These are such fun pictures, it looks like your boys had a ball with the LED lamp 🙂

  2. I’m not a fan of the early sunset! I prefer the sun stay out as long as it does, during the summer months. Primarily because I never venture out after dark and I’m afraid of it (hush now), and also because Alfie needs to go piddle outside and I will not bring him until The Guy comes home from work, hhahaa.

  3. I’m sad the sunsets earlier but I’m so happy for the amazing weather we are having in Texas.

  4. These pictures are SO. GOOD. AHHH.

    And… I’m in the boo-dark-nights crowd. I think it’s because darkness makes me think I should be sleeping! I spend WAY too many waking hours wanting to nap these days. 🙂

  5. I do not like earlier sunset, EXCEPT that my daughter goes to sleep better when the sun isn’t still shining in her window in the evenings! 😉

  6. Such cool pics! I am loving the earlier sunset!

  7. Love how you’re coming up with fun ways to play with the dark! Very creative!

  8. These are great pictures. Just goes to show, games can be made out of anything

  9. These are such fun pictures, I remember making shapes using our hands against the walls to create shadows when I was little.

    Your portrait project is so cute!

    Katie <3

  10. That looks like so much fun! Way to teach kids not to be scared of the dark!

  11. I will have to try this, my kids would love this! I love how you were able to capture their expressions in the photos. So precious.

  12. Cool pictures, I am so not ready for the start of early nights.

  13. These are fun pictures, love them!

  14. I actually hate this part of the fall/winter. Going to work in the dark, coming home in the dark, it makes me feel tired and that there aren’t enough hours in the day! My hubby loves it for photography though!

  15. wow……these really came out lovely! love the contrast!

  16. These are super cute pictures! It stinks that the sun is going down sooner, though!

  17. such artistic photos! i love the sun, and can’t wait for days to get longer again!! =)

  18. Personally, I hate early nights but I’m glad your children are enjoying it. It’s great to see kids having fun with something that isn’t electronic.

  19. Very creative and atmospheric! I’ve never tried shooting in near-dark, what a great challenge and you got some lovely shots!

  20. I’m naturally a night owl so I love this time of year! Although I do love long summer nights as well. 🙂

  21. cute pictures! Looks like your boys had fun 🙂

  22. Love child imaginations! And this is seriously so awesome!

  23. Wow, your pics!!!! Absolutely LOVELY. Truly love the portrait project.

    Thrifting Diva

  24. These photos are great! we are going through a similiar transition right now ans it feels like it’s taking us FOREVER to get settled!

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