Travel Light Requests?

Fort Bragg California Glass Beach Coastal Hike

I started making my travel light guides in September of 2012 and have since covered a lot of ground with them. I feel like I’ve shown quite a few different types of places, but I still get requests for new and different locations. It’s hard to keep track of requests when they are sprawled out across the internet, so I’m using this post to centralize them.

Do you have any requests for my travel light series? Are you going on a trip and need help packing? I’d love to hear about it.

You can view all of my current travel light posts on this page.

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Responses to “Travel Light Requests?”

  1. A month in Kiev?

    1. Ooh, that would be a big trip!

  2. Going on a road trip with my husband at the end of September to Nashville for a week. We will make two stops at Louisville, KY and Columbus, OH for one night each after we leave Nashville. Perhaps a travel light guide for this type of trip. Thank you!

    1. A road trip is a great idea!

  3. Hi there! I was just camping in Yellowstone Nat’l Park last weekend and it was hot, hot, hot! Lots of bugs too. Now that I’ve already been through it, I know what I would do differently, but I am interested to see your take on it.

  4. Oooh! How about Morocco? We’re going there in December!

    1. I’d love one about Morocco too!

  5. i’m going to Blackpool this summer for 5 days


    Inspirations Have I None

  6. Elizabeth

    Nashville in August. New Orleans in November. Miami in December. New England road trip in the fall. Hilton Head in the summer.

  7. Scottsdale, AZ or Phoenix, AZ

  8. Any destination will do, but i really like the 5 day packing ones you did. Most of my trips are only that long and I’d like to see more of those.

  9. Cynthia

    Week-long Caribbean cruise. Your Maui/Kauai lists are good for the days but I always feel like I have to have two outfits per day to eat dinner on a cruise ship, especially with two dress-up nights.

  10. Thanks for receiving my message the other day! I would love to see one for Las Vegas/ Grand Canyon! One for any place in Virginia would be fun to put on the map as well as I don’t see much of it anywhere!

  11. Lyndsay

    I’d love to see a post about Mykonos, Greece – hoping to go next year for our honeymoon!

  12. Danielle

    My husband and I are going to Australia for two and a half weeks in August. We’ll be in Melbourne and Sydney (where it’s cooler now) and then up north in the Whitsundays (where it’s still warm). I’m trying to figure out how to not over pack.

  13. Arielle

    one week vacation in Berlin in september…


  14. I’d love one that would help me think about fall—a trip to Colorado, sightseeing in Maine?

  15. Hi! Absolutely ADORE your travel light posts! How about 6 days in India during February??

  16. deborah

    A 7 day bus trip is planned for the grand canyon,lake Powell,Bryce and Zion parks in late October(starting in phoenix). My packing dilemma is 3 days in las Vegas ( Halloween) at the trips end. Will I need 2 separate wardrobes? Casual and dressy … Cool and warm weather?

  17. Candace

    Hello — my boyfriend and I are going on an week-long trip to Egypt. We’ll be visiting Cairo, Marsa Alam (beach), and Luxor. We plan to carry on our luggage since we’ll have two day-long layovers in Zurich and London. A couple of dynamics that will affect my wardrobe: 1) it’s HOT. Like 115 degrees hot. 2) Women are expected to dress moderately in some parts of Egypt…and even though I’ll be a tourist, I don’t want to draw any kind of unnecessary attention to myself.

  18. Ashley Teague

    In December I’ll be going back home (Washington state) for the holidays for two weeks. I don’t want to bring a lot with me but I’d love some ideas on outfits + what to pack for winter vacation travel…there could be snow 🙂

  19. What about 10 days in Seoul, South Korea or Tokyo, Japan? Love your travel light series! Used to think you couldn’t be fashionable while traveling, but you’re helping me realize it’s really not all that hard!

  20. Love your travel light lists! I am going on a trip I could use help with. I start with a week rafting the Grand Canyon, camping, rafting and hiking out, followed up with 5 days in San Francisco and Sonoma! Help! Thanks!

  21. jennifer

    lake placid, New York. headed there in a week!

  22. Danett c

    A week in Ireland in September & a week in Munich for Oktoberfest!

  23. Hi Jessica!

    I would love to hear your tips on how to pack light when you are moving abroad. I’m from Spain and moving to the UK for 6 months for an internship (from September to February, so it will be cold…), so I’m trying to figure out how to pack light when I need to be “put together” for work and do normal life (which means cooking, going to work and occasionally doing some tourism).

    Almost every guide I’ve found on the internet is thought of for either a weekend, 1 month in Europe or backpacking but there is nothing for moving abroad for a couple months.

    I would love to hear your ideas and tips 🙂


  24. Stephanie

    I’m just about to head to Vancouver for a week…desperately need some help in what to pack!

  25. How about 3 months in SE Asia? I’m struggling on how to pack light but stylish!

  26. Key West in February?

  27. Girls weekend in Nashville! I am also traveling to South America this summer (Peru, Brazil, Argentina) so any for that region would be wonderful!

  28. A honeymoon in St. Barths?

  29. 5 days in the Summer on Cape Cod, including a wedding!

  30. Kassandra

    Hey love your posts!!! And your fashion sense, I’m going to be traveling from Amsterdam to Athens for 18days next May and would love to see something for your “travel light” blog for spring in Europe outfit ideas!!

  31. Sri Lanka in July – 2 weeks touring ( so luggage limited ) exploring by day and posh hotels by night -which by the way my holiday wardrobe isn’t up to. I’m used to camping , and the old faithful cargo shorts and maxi dresses are rolled out every year and now look tired. Any ideas for a budget but stylish travel light ? Thank you.

  32. Hi Jessica,
    I would be really interested in your take on a packing list for Africa that would involve a safari and time in Cape Town. A trip of this kind would be at least two weeks with stopovers in a major European city. I love you packing lists and would appreciate your input!

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