4 Tips to Find Your Happy Place

4 Tips to Find Your Happy Place and other thoughts on Work/Life Balance

As Team Wiking’s 7th blogiversary approaches, I’ve partnered with HP & Intel to share some of my thoughts from behind the blog. I don’t normally discuss business here, but I’ve been self-employed since 2010 and only now do I feel like I’m in my happy place.

It has been such a struggle to find the perfect work-life balance, especially after Søren was born in 2012. I’ve come to the conclusion that there is no secret formula that automatically makes being self-employed easier. The thought that you will have more time to do the things you’d like to do when you’re working for yourself is a myth. The day doesn’t magically become longer than 24 hours simply because you are your own boss. I’ve found that the best way for me to work is to go with the flow. Sometimes it means working odd hours, or having flexible to-do lists that change from day to to, but mostly it just means working from my happy place.

Now that Søren is older, I’ve come to realize that my happy place is anywhere near my family. While I have times that I need to get stuff done, most of my work can be done more casually. Despite my love for travel, the happiest place I can think of is at home on our couch. When we’re home, it’s the place in our house where we spend the bulk of our time together as a family. We play games, we talk, we laugh, and I even spent some time there during Søren’s birth. So when I am not in get-stuff-done mode but still need to work, the happiest place I can be is on that couch, with the kids playing around me. The ultra-portable HP Stream 8 with Intel Inside® allows me to hang out with them and enjoy their company at the same time. I can pause when I’d like to interact more with them, and when I’m on the go free 4G data right out of the box makes it easier for me to stay in contact with them.

4 Tips to Find Your Happy Place and other thoughts on Work/Life Balance 4 Tips to Find Your Happy Place and other thoughts on Work/Life Balance 4 Tips to Find Your Happy Place and other thoughts on Work/Life Balance 4 Tips to Find Your Happy Place and other thoughts on Work/Life Balance

4 Tips to Find Your Happy Place:

    1. First and foremost, your happy place should be somewhere that you are most happy.
    2. Are you there in quiet or are you surrounded by loved ones?
    3. What does the space look like? Mine is calm in a usually chaotic living space.
    4. Is your space complete or do you need tools to be productive? I need my water bottle and notebooks near.

Have you thought about where your happy place is? I’d love to hear about it, use the hashtag #WorkFromHappyPlace on social media.

I’d also love to hear about any other tips or tricks you have for your perfect work/life balance in the comments below!

4 Tips to Find Your Happy Place and other thoughts on Work/Life Balance 4 Tips to Find Your Happy Place and other thoughts on Work/Life Balance

This discussion is sponsored by HP & Intel. All opinions, text, and images are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that make life here at Team Wiking a little sweeter.

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Responses to “4 Tips to Find Your Happy Place”

  1. My TRUE happy place is on the Cape. By the ocean… We go once a year…and it is my “reboot”… Glam Karen

  2. my happy place is going to be my office once I get it all set up in my new apartment! I feel like you need that space to be amazing if you want to get a lot of work done! Love this post!
    xoxo A
    The Miller Affect

  3. I love this post! I am still finding my happy place but I know I want it to have one, one day!


  4. I love this post! I agree with you! My happy place is close to my family as well. Your son is too precious!!


  5. Such a great post and I cannot say enough nice things about your photos! My happy place is my home (my closet specifically :)) Sportsanista

  6. My happy place is Russell Square Park in London. Other than that, my happy place is close to my family and friends and the people who accept me for who I am. Great post btw. xx

  7. What a great post! My happy place is also with my family but often times “home” can be so chaotic that it causes stress at times. Thanks for the tips!

    Brooke | KBStyled

  8. These are great tips! My happy place is by the lake at my husbands family’s cabin!

  9. Love this and the pictures of your family are adorable!
    Carrie and Stacy

  10. Love this post 🙂 Finding your happy place is important! Also, love your BKR- I can’t live without mine!!

    Southern Elle Style

  11. This may sound sappy, but… my true happy place is anywhere my husband and I are together <3
    Amanda | TheChambrayBunny.com

  12. such a beautiful post! your pictures are always perfect. my happy place is our cabin in Wisconsin. Don’t get back there enough anymore now that I’m in NYC 🙁 maybe time for a new one!

    xoxo, Elena Michelle

  13. I have found that most days I have to fit blogging in throughout the day whenever I can. Between the kids, hubby, house chores, work, the day goes by so fast. I love to work in the kitchen, so I can still feel apart of whats going on in the house. When I really need to concentrate I love my office space.
    Have a great long weekend!

    1. Home, quiet, dog beside me. I get so easily distracted when other people are around! Kevin and I are both working from home right now and it’s a little difficult, though we’ve set up an outdoor office for him in a room off the garage.

      Great questions, lady!

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