Greyhound Rock Beach near Davenport, California

Greyhound Rock Beach near Davenport, California Greyhound Rock Beach near Davenport, California Beach outfit near Davenport, California Greyhound Rock Beach near Davenport, California Greyhound Rock Beach near Davenport, California Greyhound Rock Beach near Davenport, California Greyhound Rock Beach near Davenport, California Greyhound Rock Beach near Davenport, California Greyhound Rock Beach near Davenport, California Greyhound Rock Beach near Davenport, California Greyhound Rock Beach near Davenport, California Greyhound Rock Beach near Davenport, California Greyhound Rock Beach near Davenport, California Greyhound Rock Beach near Davenport, California Greyhound Rock Beach near Davenport, California Greyhound Rock Beach near Davenport, California Greyhound Rock Beach near Davenport, California Greyhound Rock Beach near Davenport, California

It’s easy to think of California as a place that is always warm and sunny, but quite often our trips to the beach are not so. Northern California beaches are warm and sunny when temperatures are high, however, they are pretty moderate most of the time. This beach trip started out cold, foggy, and quite dreary but by the afternoon it turned itself around. As the sand grew warmer, the people visiting increased.

Greyhound Rock Beach is often overlooked because the parking lot for it sits on top of the cliff, and isn’t clearly marked. Remember those coastal access signs I mentioned before? You follow one to get here. The parking lot is huge by local beach standards, free, and the hike down is super easy. It’s a pretty special beach. During low tide you can walk out onto the rock island and explore tide pools to your heart’s content (or until the tide comes back up). We will definitely spend more time here this Summer.

I hope my American readers (and others celebrating) have a safe and happy 4th! We’re keeping it pretty quiet at home since we just got back from a jam-packed trip to Utah and we’re off to Iceland in under 2 weeks, eek!

Greyhound Rock Beach
1551 Cabrillo Highway
Davenport, California 95017

Pro tip: Visit during low tide (check here) to be able to walk onto the big rock and explore tide pools.

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Responses to “Greyhound Rock Beach near Davenport, California”

  1. This place looks awesome!

    1. It is pretty awesome! I love that there’s so much to do and it’s not a place that’s overcrowded.

  2. love his cute little towel! Would die to visit here! looks perfect and isolate:)
    Southern Elle Style

    1. It’s not too far from SF. You should drive down during your trip. It’s a nice drive, too! The towel is from H&M, but it always seems to sell out quick.

  3. […] recently gave readers a glimpse into her life in California, photographing a trip to Davenport Landing Beach! The incredible scenery of this family-friendly location is made obvious through her skilled […]

  4. Beautiful! I’ve never heard of this part of California- I’ll have to add it to my list.

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