Pretty Cleaning Supplies

This post is sponsored by World Market.

Pretty Cleaning Supplies & A Checklist

It seems like no matter what year it is, when January rolls around I go into cleaning mode. I want to declutter and deep clean the house, even if it survived the holidays pretty well. Today I’ve partnered with World Market to share some of my favorite pretty cleaning supplies to help motivate you along in your New Year’s cleaning resolutions.

Pretty Cleaning Supplies & A Checklist

General cleaning.
We are big fans of all-purpose cleaners in our house, as it cuts down on the amount of bottles and products we have to buy. This one is handy and comes in a gel form so you definitely get your money’s worth. I like to keep all my cleaning supplies in a small metal bucket under the sink, that way they’re easy to take where I need them. I prefer to use regular lint-free wash clothes like these to wipe down surfaces all over the house. I love that I can wash and reuse them instead of creating more waste with paper towels. We also have a vacuum but I’ve yet to find one that is pretty enough to deem pretty, haha.

Pretty Cleaning Supplies & A Checklist

In the kitchen, we keep it simple too. We love wooden brushes like this long-handled wooden dish brush, and this short-handled veggie brush, paired with a more natural dish soap like Mrs. Meyers. The packaging is pretty, and so is the scent. It almost makes doing dishes fun, ha! I also keep this mint smiley dust pan under the sink for small spills and cleanup after meals.

Pretty Cleaning Supplies & A Checklist

I keep our laundry simple. On top of using regular laundry detergent, which I usually pour in a glass bottle, I also use some OxiClean, wool dryer balls, and clothespins for hanging clothes out to dry (the boys love to steal these for forts). I don’t use dryer sheets, but I do use a lavender scented linen mist that keeps our clothes smelling wonderful.

Pretty Cleaning Supplies & A Checklist

I just love simple and easy having pretty cleaning supplies makes it feel when it comes time to do the dirty work.

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What are some of your favorite cleaning tips for the New Year? Do you begin to clean in January, or do you wait for Spring to start?

This post was sponsored by World Market, a place I’ve loved and shopped at for years. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you so much for helping to support the sponsors that make life here a little sweeter.

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Responses to “Pretty Cleaning Supplies”

  1. Love your storage solutions for all of these!

  2. Mrs. Meyer’s products always manage to inspire the motivation to clean for me. I’ve been loving the holiday scent—it’s peppermint and vanilla.

  3. we LOVE the meyer brand at my house. adore the crisp whites!!

  4. Love the color and the products! I use Meyers as well, it’s a great cleaning product. I don’t do many wooden handles for cleaning, I find they can tend to mold or retain a lot of icky smells after awhile. But I love the way these look! I may end up rethinking it

  5. These cleaning supplies are really pretty. I almost would feel badly using them to clean since they are so crisp and pristine.

  6. Anita Anderson

    I am Latina and I start to clean before the New Year arrives. I clean every corner of my home as the New Year approaches my home is clean as so will my new year be with no clutter.

  7. The supplies look really useful. Must try it. I have always faced issue in cleaning sweaters but this would help!!

  8. Love the design on all these products. Not to mention that they’re eco-friendly and reusable as long as you want. The wool dryer balls are completely new to me, though.

  9. So funny, I just did my “Spring Cleaning” yesterday!!! And, I also love anything that is cute or pretty including cleaning supplies 🙂 I love Mrs. Meyer – the smells are so fantastic! Thank you for the ideas!!

  10. Riza Smith

    I love this post so helpful for me. Glad you share this with us I should try this at home

  11. You make cleaning look so beautiful and effortless! What pretty content!

  12. CourtneyLynne

    I keep hearing about how awesome Meyers cleaning products are! Think I’m just going to have to give them a try to see what the hype is about

  13. I love how minimalistic these items look! I’d love to have them in my home. [PS – I’m OBSESSED with your blog!]

  14. I love the look of Meyer’s cleaning supplies, and they’re so effective as well! It seems the trend for many companies is to go back to a more basic packaging style, which looks so much classier. I love it!

  15. January also motivates me to start cleaning the house, and I love to de-clutter what I accumulated over the year and have the new year start fresh. Love your post!

  16. As my husband runs a cleaning company, I agree with you that cleaning supplies don’t have to be unattractive anymore. The entire image you present to your clients (as a cleaning company) can be what makes or breaks their impression of you as a group.

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