Evolution of a Home (We’re Moving!)

Leaving a place you love is never easy, and this one is especially so because it’s been our home for 7 years. I’m so very sad to announce that due to unforeseen circumstances we won’t be living in this home any longer. My heart is heavy and I’m sure I’ll mourn this loss for quite some time. On the plus side, most of what has made this home so special we’re taking with us! We’re not sure where our next home will be quite yet but I’m sure we’ll figure it out. Things will be very quiet over the next few weeks as I find a new place to live and pack up our lives here. I’ll try to keep you updated along the way and resume regular posting once the dust has settled.

Here’s a look at an evolution of our space…

Cross your fingers for us. Hopefully I’ll be back soon!

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Responses to “Evolution of a Home (We’re Moving!)”

  1. My heart holds yours. It’s never easy to leave. This chapter has been amazing. Turn the page, something great awaits! Hoping you are okay. That circumstances improve and that you had a choice in this. Hugs.

    1. Thanks, Julee! We didn’t really have a choice but I’m trying to stay positive.

  2. I know exactly how you feel. It’s not easy leaving the place you call home, where many of your wonderful memories were made! It’s a gorgeous house, too! However, I am sure you will find a place that you will come to love just as much, if not more. And even more amazing memories will be made there! I’m sorry you are leaving, but cannot wait to see you back again, in a new place! Best of luck and lots of hugs. Remember, it will always work out!

  3. Kimberly @ Berly’s Kitchen

    I’m sorry that you have to move. You have a beautiful home. Finding a new home can be difficult, but I hope you’re able to find a place that you love and can build new family memories. Gorgeous pictures by the way!

  4. I hope you will find a new place to love. I know it’s hard to move from a place you love like that and where you built a big part of your life, but when you are with people you love, you can live in lots of places ! I cross my fingers for you 🙂

    Manon (from France)

  5. your old home will be missed, but you’re going to make your new home even lovelier. 😀 can’t wait to see what the next adventure looks like!

  6. Neely Moldovan

    Everything is so pretty! I can’t wai tto see how you decorate the new home. I loved the sneak peek!

  7. Maryann Lowden

    Good Luck in your New Home

  8. You have a beautiful home, but you will be able to create new memories in a new place. I hope your move has gone smoothly!

  9. Could you please share where you purchased your bed/headboard, the grey rug under the coffee table, and your Christmas tree topper? Happy to have just discovered a site with a style and environmental ethic to match my own! Thanks!

  10. I really like the way you approach content creation, I think you deserve a lot more audience.

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