Sneak Peek of Our New Home

Our new home
Our new home
Our new home

Here’s a little peek at what our new place looks like. After spending 4 days looking at 3 homes, applying for 2, and accepting 1, I feel very lucky to have found a new place so quickly, especially over a holiday weekend. It’s a lot more updated than our current place so there are some benefits, but I still have a very special place in my heart for our current home.

The new place is only about a mile from our current home, so the move shouldn’t be too hard logistically. It is, however, much smaller than our current place. Our current place is 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1300 Square Feet, and a 2 car garage. The new place is still 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, but at just over 1000 Square Feet and a one car garage it’s a huge downsize for us.

We had a garage sale last weekend, are moving in this weekend, cleaning and finishing up at the old house the following week, and then will hopefully have some time to unpack and settle in to the new place. I can’t wait to share more and be able to settle in to our new place.

Do you have any tips for me centered around moving or downsizing? I’d love to hear!

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Responses to “Sneak Peek of Our New Home”

  1. Wow! You are so fortunate to have so long to move! We only had three days to transport our stuff over and clean our old place, but we were surprised to find we were completely done after the second (long) day.

    I wouldn’t worry too much about the numbers – as long as the space is used efficiently you likely won’t notice the change (I can’t speak to the garage as we’ve actually never had one!). The kitchen is my non-negotiable space. It has to have sufficient storage space, walking area, and countertop. Yours looks like it ticks all those boxes! And your outdoor space looks perfect for gatherings with friends and family. It won’t be too long before this space feels like “home” where you’ll make lifelong memories.

  2. Neely Moldovan

    Just dying over that kitchen. It is gorgeous. I love how clean everything looks. Perfection!

  3. Maryann Lowden

    Lots of counter space – that’s a Plus

  4. I just love the kitchen! We always unpacked the kitchen and got beds settled first when we moved.

  5. In our most recent move, we lost our garage space. It was difficult, but it also helped us to get rid of stuff!

  6. What a beautiful home! I can’t wait for this day to come once again for me. I can only imagine the joy, the excitement, the interior design ideas and more that you have.

    As far as downsizing, I always say if you haven’t used it in a 2 -3 years you’re probably not so it needs to go!

    Happy moving & downsizing!

  7. Looks like such a beautiful place, I love that kitchen!! And congrats on finding a place so quickly, it doesn’t happen that often!

  8. Gwen Bernecker

    Housing in the Bay Area…….one could write a book. I noticed an article in the NYTimes last week about California Housing shortages, An architect in Berkeley has come up with what appears to be a really intelligent solution. Taking one existing Berkeley postage stamp bungalow -just like the one belonging to the original Mrs. Don Draper (if you’re a Mad Men fan), and replacing it with THREE houses on the same lot. Sounds crazy but they are absolutely beautiful. But then the article goes on to explain that the neighborhood is 90% opposed to it (‘it blocks the sunlight for my tomatoes’).
    It sounds like you have been through the wringer with your abrupt move. That coupled with your other life stresses makes for a very difficult time. As hard as it is, I admire your focus on being thankful. Maybe we should start a ‘Be Thankful’ movement!

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