The Big Moving Day Post

Although the last month or so has felt like a blur, we’ve been in our new place for a couple of weeks now and for the first time in a long time I feel like I can finally start to come up for air. In the last month we’ve…

  • Made the decision to leave our home of 7.5 years. This was not an easy decision.
  • Given notice without having a new place to live. We really had no choice.
  • Looked at a crazy amount of rental listings online.
  • Toured 3 very different places all around our same area.
  • Applied for 2 houses and sat with our fingers crossed over a holiday weekend.
  • Accepted the lease to our new place to call home.
  • Decluttered, or more like attempted to speed-declutter most of our old place.
  • Had a yard sale, donated items, and listed plenty for “free-on-curb” on craigslist.
  • Said goodbye to our cat after 10 years, She is going to make a great companion for my Grandparents (long story, we visit very often).
  • Packed up our entire lives and moved everything all in one day to our new place.
  • Unpacked our entire new house and started the downsizing process.
  • Cleaned up, patched, painted, and spiffied up any spots that might need it on the old place.
  • Completing our final walk through 5 days early.
  • Had another moving sale and parted ways with a lot of what doesn’t fit in the new place.

If you insert a few breakdowns here and there, lots of tears, and even more meltdowns and sore muscles it’s pretty accurate. We’ve also seen an outpouring of support from our friends and family and I’m so very thankful for the help offered. Here are a few photos from life in the last month…

Now hopefully we’ll be able to start settling in to our new life and fresh start here. I’ll be back soon, I promise!

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Responses to “The Big Moving Day Post”

  1. Love the openness of that house! It looks so light and airy! I recently moved and i can understand the frustration, stress and excitement that comes along with it. Best of luck to you in your new space!

  2. Moving can be so stressful so cheers to new places! It’s always so exciting to finally be moved into the new place 🙂 Love adding plants to warm the place up too!

  3. Melanie

    We have left in the same house for a long time. I cannot imagine the stress of moving. We have discussed it before but have never felt like we should.

  4. Gemille Sleweon

    Love how much light shines through your new home, and I also love the modern feel to it. Congratulations on your new home. I hope you all make a lot of beautiful memories!

  5. Kimberly @ Berly’s Kitchen

    Moving is so hard, especially when you don’t really want to move and there’s a lot of emotion attached. I hope you are getting settled into the new place and starting to make new memories.

  6. Every time we buy a house I never expect how much I am going to have to work to move everything and prepare both houses! We are going to do it yet again because we want to move to a place with more land. I am not looking forward to the actual work but looking at the houses is fun. Good luck on your journey!

  7. Heather

    Moving is so hectic! I hope to never have to pack up again, but wish our home would magically become much larger to accommodate our family. Good luck settling into your new space! I’m sure it’ll be lovely.

  8. I’m a believer in change for the good. Change is a step to moving forward. It must be hard to say good-bye to a friend that’s been with you for 10 years but I’m sure your grandparents will take such good care of her. good luck on your new journey.

  9. Gemille Sleweon

    What a beautiful home! I know how stressful and hectic moving can get! I hope you all enjoy your new home.

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