Cancelling Our Trip to Turks & Caicos

Turks and Caicos Catamaran Cruise
This month we had a trip planned to one of our favorite places, Turks & Caicos. Unfortunately it had to be cancelled because of the hurricanes and the damage sustained to the islands. On top of our recent move it was a little hard to stomach, but we’re feeling very fortunate that it happened prior to our trip and not during. Today I’m sharing a few tips for what to do in this situation, and an easy way that you can help those affected by hurricanes Irma and Maria.

What to do if you have to cancel a trip:

Be patient. Remember that you are so lucky to not have to deal with this first-hand. Be patient with those on-location especially, as many of the employees are also dealing with being personally effected by the storm. If you’ve booked at a resort or hotel, many of the larger ones are actually able to aid in rescheduling your trip or refunding your money.

Stay Calm. This is so much easier said than done, when feeling frustrated with the change in travel or loss of money, try to remain thankful that you were not effected and remember that a smile and kind words go much further than anger or resentment.

Rebook or Refund. Choose what your end goal is. For us, it was a refund from all parties. The resort and conference refund were issued with no problems, but our airlines told us over the phone that they were not offering refunds and converted our tickets to a credit. Most airline carriers will post updates on their website in the event of a flight cancellation. Luckily I was able to use their online tool to request and be provided with a refund in a timely manner.

How you can help Turks & Caicos…

During my last two trips to the Caribbean I’ve partnered with Beaches Resorts. This trip was along the same line for a conference, but with every trip I also work with the Sandals Foundation to help improve life in the Caribbean. During my first trip to Turks & Caicos we donated a backpack full of solar calculators to a local school, and last year during my trip to Jamaica I donated another backpack and volunteered at a local school. The Sandals Foundation is constantly helping to improve living conditions, education, and the health of the people who call the Caribbean home. Hurricane relief is also part of their efforts, and you can donate easily via their website where 100% of the funds are used to help those in need.

For updates on the recovery of Turks & Caicos islands, please visit the Visit TCI website.

Little Water Cay

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Responses to “Cancelling Our Trip to Turks & Caicos”

  1. I know it feels awful to cancel something you’ve so been looking forward to! Were you able to get the refund back to your original payment method? If not, I find having the travel credit is a great incentive to reframe your trip and go somewhere else. Perhaps view this as an opportunity to visit a new destination?

    1. We were able to have everything refunded 100%. I just hope that the islands are able to recover quickly so they can resume their day-to-day life. Even as someone who lives in a place that has Earthquakes, I can’t imagine living somewhere that has a whole season devoted to natural disasters.

  2. maria long

    We have been twice to TCI. Hope you can go again soon. it is an amazing place.

  3. I was wondering if the campus was going to be canceled this year. I’m sad about all of the damage, and I hope they’re able to recover soon.

  4. Neely Moldovan

    I am sorry you had to cancel. I hope the area recovers and rebuilds soon. Its such a beautiful place with such wonderful people!

  5. You hardly ever find charities where 100% of what’s donated is used for the victims. I will have to see how much I can give this week.

  6. Turks and Caicos is such a beautiful island, I can’t imagine all the devastation faced throughout. I’d gone when I was 18 and stayed at an all inclusive – it was the best trip ever. The conch fish was amazing. I think it’s such a blessing you all weren’t there when it happened and hope you can reschedule a visit soon!

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