Søren’s First Birthday, Part One


Photos taken by the most amazing Tom Vo.

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Responses to “Søren’s First Birthday, Part One”

  1. Gorgeous! Love the use of brown paper banner, so simple, so beautiful! x


  2. Lovely details! Soren had a wonderful time by the looks of it!!



    1. Thank you! I think he did enjoy it. 🙂

  3. Outstanding presentation on everything. Even the smallest of things is beautifully done.
    Such talent I never had.
    Can’t wait to see more photos.

    1. Ty Gma! 🙂

  4. Happy birthday to your little one!! 🙂 Love the flower headband.


    1. Thank you, I wanted to do something different than a traditional crown or party hat. 🙂

  5. […] paying close attention to the little details.  Two articles that I pinned ideas from were this 1st birthday party and this woodsy baby […]

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