A Secure Home

Arlo Smart Home Security System Review

Over a year ago I wrote this post about keeping your home safe while you’re away. At that point we weren’t ready to go the security camera route, but a few months ago we did and haven’t looked back. We ended up purchasing an Arlo Security Camera System and it’s been the best piece of mind for when we’re away or when I’m home without Steve. Ultimately, it makes a more secure home. So when I had the chance to partner with Netgear to share the Arlo, I jumped on it. They offered to send over a couple of extra cameras for our system in exchange for my honest review. I’m always up for gushing about a product we already use and love.

Arlo Smart Home Security System Review

We really love our Arlo System, and here are a few reasons why:

  • Wireless cameras don’t require any wiring or contracts, which is perfect since we’re renters.
  • Mobile base system  with magnetic attachment makes it easy to move cameras around as we see fit.
  • Cameras are small and can be mounted in less obvious places. Alternative mounts are available, we had to use one on our front gate.
  • We receive motion notifications on our phones. There is even an app for the pebble watch.
  • We can view the camera feeds and archived video remotely from a computer or phone.
  • Adjustable motion sensors and night vision make them easily adapt to night time.
  • Weatherproof cameras can be placed inside, outside, or wherever you see fit.
  • The cameras can be programmed with predetermined schedules which can be turned off or on according to your schedule.
  • You can update the camera settings via the app, or a web browser on the computer.
  • Very easy to add cameras, it’s close to plug and play.

Arlo Smart Home Security System Review Arlo Smart Home Security System Review

I could gush on about all of the things we love about these cameras, but here are a few we didn’t:

  • There is a separate box that plugs into your router. I don’t know why this bother’s me, probably because our router is shoved in a closet in Søren’s room.
  • The mounts are magnetic, which makes it easy to move the cameras, but also easy to steal.
  • We had to purchase a different mount for our front gate not only for positioning, but to deter theft as well.

Arlo Smart Home Security System ReviewOverall we really, really love the Arlo Security Cameras and I honestly gush to everyone I know about them. I’ve even been thinking about purchasing a starter kit for loved ones. Plus, they help keep that smiling face (below) safer. Doesn’t that make it all worth it?

This post wasn’t sponsored by Netgear, but they were kind enough to send us a couple of extra cameras for our system. All thoughts, opinions, and photos are my own. Thank you so much for supporting the sponsors that make life here at Team Wiking a little more special.I'm not tired, cute kid
Do you use a security camera system? How do you keep your home more secure?

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Responses to “A Secure Home”

  1. We actually use an Arlo camera system in our house too. But it’s finicky because with a gust of wind and the tree’s blowin’ about it sets off the camera. Though, we have it angled down to basically just the front porch/door area, so we know who is coming to the door if either of us are home alone, or even not home – and want to see “intruders” come knockin’ on the door… I love that it sends us both an e-mail whenever there’s someone on our property. Definitely keeps me feeling safe, and we should’ve done it sooner.

    1. Haha, ours picks up the tree shadows in our driveway too sometimes. We turned down the sensitivity a bit though and it helped. Maybe you could try that. We seriously love ours too, and I’m not half as nervous at night when Steve is traveling.

  2. We’ve been having a spree of petty crime (e.g., tossing rocks at windows, stealing from unlocked cars) in my neighborhood lately. One of my neighbors brought an Arlo camera for his backyard in the hopes of capturing images of the kids who were throwing rocks and recently posted images of them in our private Facebook group. I was VERY impressed with the quality and clarity of said images – you can see their faces clearly, which will help the police in their investigation. My husband and I are now thinking of investing into this system for our home and your post validated our decision – thanks!

    1. How frustrating! We’ve always worried about our packages since we get a lot of deliveries and have outgoing mail regularly. I think you won’t regret your decision, it’s super easy to set up and easy to love. 🙂

  3. […] a rental we can be connected. Along with our Frame TV, we use a robot vacuum, wireless speakers, security cameras, and need Wi-Fi to work well on all of our devices since we both have businesses run out of our […]

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