Accepting Packing List Requests

Accepting packing list requests on #paris #sunset #packing

I’m now accepting packing list requests. Please let me know where you are headed and would like a packing list for in the comments below. The most popular ones I’ll take a vote on and let you determine the destination.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

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Responses to “Accepting Packing List Requests”

  1. […] You can make any packing list requests via blog comments on this post. […]

  2. Hi! Can you do one for Morocco? I’m headed there in a few weeks!

  3. One for Nashville at the end of September. That’s when my husband and I will be driving down to visit for a week.

  4. I’d love one for the Mediterranean specifically Barcelona, Cannes, La Spezia . Going there next year 🙂

  5. Can you do Portland? Like today? 😉 hahaha

  6. Prague, Vienna, Budapest please?

  7. […] Have a request? […]

  8. do you have one for san diego in the fall? I’d love to see one for that!
    Southern Elle Style

  9. I’m heading to NY late November and will be there until early December. Would be great to get some ideas for the colder weather 🙂

  10. Hi, could you possibly do one for New York in October time, I’m going for the first time this year and have no idea what to take. Thank you so much!

  11. I’d love to see a list for a three-week trip through South East Asia. Only caveat: must use a carry-on suitcase.

  12. janelle

    new orleans! i’m going there labor day weekend 🙂 or british virgin islands!

  13. I am for a fall NYC pack list too. Fall Caribbean. Fall Peru. ( our fall not theirs) trying to decide between these for my hubby and mine annual getaway from kids. Maybe I will decide based on the wardrobe involved ????

    1. Jessica Doll @ Pack For Where

      I like that train of thought, haha. I do have Fall Turks & Caicos (not that it’s really cool there), and mayyyybeee Fall NYC too, but I just did summer ( 🙂

  14. Katy Levin

    How about a trip to the Arctic…Norways fiords Iceland and Arctic Svalbard…17 days on a small cruise ship, plus cities and adventure… May and June…Clothes for the cities, the 17 day cruise and adventures…

    1. Jessica Doll @ Pack For Where

      That sounds like quite an adventure! I’m a little jealous, haha. I am doing Copenhagen next week, but we’ll see how next year shapes up to include more in that realm. I’d assume they will be similar to my Alaskan Cruise packing list ( with a little more adventure.

  15. Hey there! My fiance and I are getting married in New Zealand this October and then spending 17 days travelling around the two islands. It will be their spring! I’d love to see suggestions on what I should pack! I’m trying to stick to one carry-on roller bag plus a large tote! Thanks! I love your blogs!!

  16. Spain, Portugal, Morocco in the Fall? 🙂

  17. I’m traveling to southern Sweden for New Years and I’d love to see your take on a cold, winter vacation wardrobe! I live in the southeastern US, so I’m not used to Scandinavian winters.

    1. Jessica Doll @ Pack For Where

      Yessss. I’m planning Norway the week of 11/23. Might be a lot colder than Sweden?

  18. Tokyo in the Fall please!

  19. Can you please do Moscow in winter?

  20. Shannon Windrim

    Going to New York Sept 3 – Sept 9. . Going to U.S. open (tennis) Evenings . Tour New York during the day . Age range 55-60.

  21. Alissa Russell

    Italy in September…or more specifically Sicily! Leaving in 5 short weeks and would LOVE to know what you would suggest! Trying to keep it light but look goooood the entire time…not easy.

  22. Kristin

    Looking for a packing list for the Mediterranean in the Fall.

    1. Jessica Doll @ Pack For Where

      Greece is coming up soon!

  23. Sarah Kolbert-Hyle

    We are heading to New Zealand and Fiji in November this year and I am having trouble figuring out a plan for what to pack. More for NZ than for Fiji (that is pretty easy because it is mostly bathing suits). It will be Spring in New Zealand at that time so I will need a mix of clothing for different temps, riding horses, winery tours, romantic dinners (it is our honeymoon), hiking, biking, and who knows what else. PLEASE HELP!

  24. London early October, please????!

    1. Jessica Doll @ Pack For Where

      London is coming up! 🙂

  25. Hey <3 I'm off to Europe in Dec-Jan, Hungary/Germany/London. Any tips?xoxo

  26. Jessica

    Northern California. Always a challenge to pack for a trip when you fly into San Fran and then travel up to wine country. A lot or variations in temperature. Just using the term “wine country” makes you want to look chic.

    1. Jessica Doll @ Pack For Where

      I have SF (10/5) and Napa (11/16) both planned here. You can view both on my other blog here:

      Depending on the season and how much time you’re spending in both, you really just need a jacket for SF and a pair of pants maybe for passing through or spending a day or two.

  27. Maybe you can help with a packing list for a trip in Iceland in autumn (end of september/october? Very difficult to make it light!

  28. San Fran/central valley California in late October, please!

    1. Jessica Doll @ Pack For Where

      Coming up the week of 10/05. 🙂

  29. Ashley Teague

    I would love to see a packing light for winter. I’m heading to Washington State (eastern Wa.) in December for the holidays for two weeks. There could be snow but the weather can be unpredictable at times. I’d like to be stylish without having to bring a heavy suitcase.

    1. Jessica Doll @ Pack For Where

      Hi Ashley, thanks for the input. I’ve definitely got some wintery destinations in the works. 🙂

  30. Would love to see some outfits for spending 5 days each in Seoul, Korea or Tokyo, Japan! Taking a last-minute trip there in a few weeks! Since those metropolitan areas are huuge, they’d need to be comfortable for walking a lot and using crowded public transportation! 🙂

  31. angelique

    love your website and your style. what about paris? in december? in just a carry on? thanks so much for your consideration!!!

  32. I would like to visit Japan for 10 days in easter…
    would be ideal to have a list 🙂

  33. I am heading to Paris and Barcelona in late September and have no idea how to pack for both destinations. I am a confirmed over-packer and definitely need some help! This is a packing 911!! Thank you!

  34. Kellie M

    Can you message a list for a long weekend in Sonoma county, CA (wine tasting)

  35. Hi, I’m heading home to Northern Germany for Christmas and I would love a packing list!

  36. I would love some outdoorsy / cabin themed ones: A Fall Adirondacks tent/campfire/hiking trip, a summer Maine camp themed trip, a Catskills farm stay, a winter / holiday ski cabin rental etc… Love all of the packing lists so far – really fun!

  37. Jessica

    Santa Barbara in the Winter.

  38. Liz torres

    Packing ideas for wedding weeks? Going to a wedding soon (ontario, Canada in case that matters) but if you could do a feature for that, it would be so helpful.

  39. I’m headed to Lima, Peru for 3 weeks! I’d love some ideas!

  40. Lindsey

    Traveling from London to Paris to Venice to Italian Almalfi coast over 14 days at the end of May. Please help me fit into one bag!

    1. Jessica Doll @ Pack For Where

      My goodness, that sounds fun! I do need to do something on extended trip packing.

  41. Sydney at Christmas!

  42. I love your blog! I would be interested in any recommendations you might have for stylish and durable – yet affordable! – luggage. Thanks!

  43. How about NYC in the winter?

  44. Southeast Asia in November!

  45. Marcella Penunuri

    Yosemite National Park! (Fall attire)

  46. Please do one for one week at India in February!

  47. Hi ! Can you do a 2 week Southeast Asia (Taiwan, Hong Kong, China) winter packing list ?
    Thank You ! 🙂

  48. Thailand!!

  49. could you do a packing list for tokyo? my husband and i are heading there in april for cherry blossom season!

    1. jessica

      I’d love to !

  50. weekend in Las Vegas?

  51. Chappie Marie

    I’m going on a 3 week trip to San Francisco, Phoenix, northern (snowy) NM in December and will be expecting sun, snow, and possible rain. So I’m looking for a versatile packing list!

  52. Los Angeles in the Spring or Catalina Island in the Spring. Will be going to both for spring break! Love your packing lists.

  53. Hi, I love your packing tips and was wondering if you’d ever do a sample family packing list? I’d love to get a sense for how to use your method for the whole family! Thanks!!

  54. What about Cuba? Given the changing climate (not weather) Cuba is supposed to be flooded with Americans visiting. I’m going this summer for 10 days– and I’m at a loss for what to pack and how to fit it into a backpack.

  55. Two weeks in Southeast Asia (Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos) in July.

  56. Could you do Denver and Vancouver in winter??? Please?

    1. I did a Whistler packing list, but I’m not sure if that’s close enough to the weather in Vancouver. And I did a Ski Trip packing list as well. My Park City packing list might also be close to what you’re looking for.

  57. Hi Jessica,
    My husband and I do a lot of traveling. We often take larger trips where we are taking multiple stops. Sometimes one stop has a completely different climate than the next. For instance, we will be spending 5 weeks in Europe this October but will be all over. From places like Stockholm, Sweden and Northern England to Istanbul, Turkey and Israel and everywhere in between. Would love to see a post on packing for cold and hot weather at the same time! Cheers!

    1. Thanks for the input, Sophie. Your travels sound so amazing! I have been meaning to do a post like this, so I’ll definitely add it to my list soon. Especially since we’re going from 90F in California to 55F in Iceland soon! 🙂

  58. I’d love to see a list for late summer/early fall in New England. Like, pre-foliage New England, but still warm enough to swim. It’s such an awkward time there weather-wise.

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