5 Steps To Add Luxury To Your Bathroom

Add luxury to your bathroom in 5 easy steps

Throughout the course of my travels I always find that there is one common theme to the places I absolutely loved to stay. They’re all nice and I usually enjoy them, but the ones that I love the most have a beautiful bathroom. The bathrooms in our house are unwelcoming, small, and don’t offer much in the way of luxury. Since we’re only renting, there isn’t a lot I can do to change them and I certainly can’t compare them to five-star hotel bathrooms. Our master bath is especially small and awkward so awhile back I was at my wits end and decided to change it up. Today I’ve partnered with method to share my 5 easy steps to add luxury to your bathroom.

Add luxury to your bathroom in 5 easy steps

  1. Clean the entire bathroom out. Remove everything that isn’t built in. Shower curtain, clean out medicine cabinets, shower goods, rug, etc. Now clean the entire bathroom. Top to bottom. I hate cleaning mine, but felt so much better afterward. We still have some major projects like replacing the caulking, but that will have to wait to become it’s own project.
  2. Return the bathroom necessities like your shower liner and curtain, towels, garbage can, plunger, etc to the room. Now add back the items you use every single day such as your toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, styling tools, etc. Are there items leftover? Have you used them in the last year? Are they expired? Sort them accordingly.
  3. Evaluate the room. What do you like about it? What don’t you like about it? What do you think would make it feel more luxurious? For me this means having a natural and serene space where I can relax or have time to myself (I love baths!). Think about where everything is placed. Determine if it’s functional there or if it should be moved. Look at the packaging on your products. Is it well designed? Is it pleasing to the eye? If not you may want to rethink how it is stored. My favorite is to put bathroom necessities in clear glass containers so they not only look nice, but are easy to find. I even put my spare rolls of toilet paper into a giant cylinder vase that sits on the floor next to the toilette. Products and items that are not as pleasing to the eye or cause visual clutter are tucked away in the medicine cabinet.
  4. Upgrade in the areas you feel need it. The major areas to think about are linens, and bath products. Since we’re in a severe drought in California, I upgraded to our shower head to one that I can pause during the shower to save water. So far it’s worked out really well and I feel good that I’m saving some water as well. We also lacked a good hand soap, so I tried out the new method nourishing hand wash in olive leaf. The scent is so light and relaxing and it leaves my hands feeling soft and smooth. I love that it uses natural, biodegradable ingredients and is never tested on animals. Our bathroom lacks a lot of storage, so I installed the string wall shelf to add more. It’s perfect for holding glass containers, my favorite products, and extra hand towels.
  5. Style the room. Add decorative touches that make your bathroom more enjoyable and luxurious. For me this was a small shade and moisture loving plant. I’m amazed at how well it’s doing in the bathroom. I also added a candle, and some home made rose body scrub.

I hope these 5 steps help you transform your bathroom into more luxurious space. It costed me less than $50 to make my bathroom into a space I felt good in, even if my toddler interrupts me fifteen times while I’m getting ready.

I hope you enjoy. What do you do to add a little luxury to your bathroom?

This post was sponsored by method and their new nourishing handwash. To learn more please visit their website. Thank you for supporting the sponsors that help make life here a little sweeter.

Add luxury to your bathroom in 5 easy steps Perfect bathroom plant. Loves shade and humidity.

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Responses to “5 Steps To Add Luxury To Your Bathroom”

  1. These are great ideas! I alswayss deep clean and organize my closet, I should apply the same stpes to my bathroom!

    1. I am guilty of my closet being a train wreck right now, hahaha. In my defense we just sort of “remodeled” it and it’s still not done. But it still looks like a tornado came through.

  2. Very good tips…I am in DESPERATE need of a master bathroom makeover. (It is lime green…which was cool 10 years ago, not so much now!).
    Thanks for doing a post like this! 🙂
    CS Gems

  3. Such great tips!! Who doesn’t love a luxurious bathroom?! I know I do! <3
    Amanda | http://www.TheChambrayBunny.com

  4. You guys use the same “flossers” as me lol. The right angle ones. I can’t stand string-floss getting that guck all over my fingers. UGHH. P.s obviously gorgeous bathroom. I love the shelves above… we had that back in Canada, and I miss it!

  5. Love the tips! I’m looking to spruce up my master bathroom!!


  6. I really like how you added the luxury to your bathroom… I think I want to add more plants or succulents to mine. I like the vibe of that…
    xx, Karen
    Glam Karen

  7. Thanks for sharing these great tips!!


  8. This is such a great idea! I need to do this for fall cleaning when it cools a little and I can open the windows. Thanks for this tip!

  9. This is so very true!!! I love a nice bathroom it just adds to the experience of travel and makes a house more homie sometimes!!


  10. […] immediately what my biggest challenge would be, the bathrooms. There are two but as evidenced by this post, they are very small. When we first moved in it was pretty easy to keep them tidy, but over time […]

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