Alaskan Cruise Glacier Bay National Park

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Every morning I wake up somewhere new. This morning we awoke in Glacier Bay National Park, the Grand Pacific Glacier and all of it’s sedimental glory staring into our window. It was raining again. Søren felt warm. I wasn’t impressed so Steve and Aiden went to grab breakfast while I stayed with Søren. Steve returned shortly, “You should take your camera to the top”.

I threw on some clothes and the ship began to rotate. Tall mountains made their way across the window until the stunning 350ft tall Margerie Glacier was in full view. This is what I was waiting for. I couldn’t hear the announcements very well so I stepped onto the balcony to snap some photos. A smaller boat was near the glacier and seagulls swarmed for everyone’s breakfast. A powerful rumble broke through the crisp air as part of the glacier broke off into the bay. This happened several more times while we were viewing the Margerie. The boys returned and I went to grab breakfast, too excited to shower.

We began to navigate out of the Tarr Inlet, passing several large chunks of striped ice as we made our way through the fjords.  Turning the corner, we entered the Johns Hopkins inlet. The Johns Hopkins Glacier spread out in the distance. For safety reasons the ship could not get any closer, but stopped to view the Lamplugh Glacier. A river made it’s way through the center of the glacier, escaping into the fjord through a cave near the center of the glacier. An even smaller raft-style boat approaches the glacier, giving it some scale. The Lampugh has more visible sediment than the Margarie but I appreciate their beauty equally.

I spend the rest of the day tending to Søren’s fever as the ship navigates out of Glacier Bay and begins our journey south.

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Responses to “Alaskan Cruise Glacier Bay National Park”

  1. The glaciers are so cool!

  2. What beautiful shots! Looks absolutely amazing!

  3. These photos are absolutely stunning!!!!!

  4. I’ve always wanted to go to Alaska! It’s truly stunning. It’s so crazy how big the glaciers are, I’m sure they were breathtaking in person.

  5. Your photos are beautiful! I’ve always wanted to go on an Alaskan cruise!

  6. Your photos are breathtaking, amazing shots. You capture the beauty so perfectly. I always wanted to go there but my medical condition wont allow me to be in that type of cold.

  7. It looks so surreal!

  8. Glacier Bay is beautiful! I am glad you guys were able to go : )

  9. Seriously…all of your pictures are so perfect.

  10. Amazing pictures! Just amazing! What an incredible experience!

  11. more amazing pictures!

  12. I never want this series to end, such beautiful photos!

  13. LOVE these photos. This looks like such a serene vacay.

  14. Oh my gosh, these pictures are gorgeous! Now I definitely need to travel to Alaska someday!

  15. Beautiful! I definitely want to make that trip now!

  16. these photos are breathtaking! really fantastic!

  17. Gorgeous, I love the mix of colors, the blues, and light.

  18. Oh my gosh, those photos are beautiful! Love the one you got of the bird 🙂

    xo, Hima
    Hima Hearts

  19. This is so breath taking wow. so jealous

  20. Amazing pictures, yet again! Thank you so much for sharing your adventure with us!

  21. Thank you for sharing your adventure with us. Makes me want to get on a cruise to Alaska tomorrow 🙂

  22. It’s official. I definitely want to go on an Alaskan cruise because of your photos.

  23. So beautiful/unreal!

  24. Oh my goodness! That glacier is amazing!

  25. i have been absolutely loving looking at these photos. Keep them coming.


  26. Gorgeous photos from the glacier, my gosh the details we can see in your photos it’s amazing!

    1. It was really a sight to see.

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